IMPERIALISM 1850-1914. Essential Question Why did European countries want to expand their power?


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Presentation transcript:


Essential Question Why did European countries want to expand their power?

Imperialism A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, and socially

Causes of Imperialism 1. Nationalism 2. Economic Competition 3. Missionary Spirit 4. Racism

Why did countries imperialize? Nationalism To gain power, European nations compete for colonies and trade Belief in European superiority Countries wanted to “plant its flag” on as much of the world as possible Increase power and prestige

Economic Competition Industrial Revolution Demand for raw materials and new markets spurs a search for colonies Cotton Copper Iron Rubber

Missionary Spirit Europeans believe they must spread Christian teachings to the world “civilize” or “Westernize” peoples of foreign lands

Racism Social Darwinism The application of Charles Darwin’s ideas about evolution and “survival of the fittest” to human societies– particularly as justification for imperialism expansion. Those who were fittest for survival enjoyed wealth and success and were superior to others

The White Man’s Burden Rudyard Kipling Take up the White Man's burden-- Send forth the best ye breed-- Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild-- Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child.

What was “The White Man’s Burden?

New Technologies Weapons Riffles Maxim gun (the earliest machine gun) African weapons: muskets Steam engine advances Transportation improving Quinine and Malaria Made from bark of a tree prevents spread of malaria Makes it easier to move into the interior of Africa

Types of Imperialism Indirect Colonization Direct Colonization

Indirect Colonization Local government officials used Limited self-rule Goal: to develop future leaders Government institutions are based on European styles but may have local rules Examples: British colonies- Nigeria, India, Burma

Direct Colonization Foreign officials brought in to rule No self-rule Reflected European belief that Africans were incapable of ruling themselves Goal: assimilation “a policy in which a nation forces or encourages a subject people to adopt to institutions and customs” Government institutions based only on European styles Europeans would immigrate on a permanent basis “Settler colonies” Examples: German colonies- German East Africa; Portuguese colonies- Angola

British Colony: Nigeria age_nigeria.htm age_nigeria.htm

German East Africa: Tanganyika

Things Fall Apart Role of imperialism Direct or indirect colonization?

Indirect Colonization Example: Direct Colonization

Where was imperialism? Directions: 1. You’ll receive an Atlas of World History, World Imperialism Map (and Directions sheet), and a bag of colored pencils. 2. Using the directions on the Directions sheet, you’ll use your Atlas to help find the needed information. 3. Color/draw/label/etc. your map! Then, answer the questions on the bottom of the Directions sheet. (Quietly) NOTEBOOK After you are finished: both the direction sheet and your completed map go into your NOTEBOOK Grade: As we near the end of class, I’ll walk around and look at your progress. You’ll receive a grade based upon (1) how far you got and (2) how on task you were. Imperialism Map Activity