I Love Wolves. There are so MAGESTIC.
Well you already know I Love Wolves so lets move on to my next interests. Well I Like to sail and roller skate. Also I Love to Horse back ride. All About ME!!! Interests
I’m in dance and like I said in piano classes. I’ve been to Benignton, Whitehall and Linwood. I’ve accomplished owning 2 New horses. I’m So HAPPY! I would like to be a vet when I get older. Involvements
So you’ve found out some of me. Well here’s more. I play piano and I love to swim. I also love to run. More About Me
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Well My Bestie is Brendan. My Best Friend is Jordee. Also Avery and Kaitlyn. I like to hang with about ever one! I’m So Social. My Favorite Friends.
Well You Know I Love Wolves And Horses. Well I Also Love Pitbulls. Lots Of People Think Pitbulls are 10 on a scale of being bad. But its not them it’s the owners fault. They trained to be that way plus they didn’t get love. My Favorite Animals
Well most of the world hates them. Well I don’t. I Have one His name is Exal. He has never fought but gave warning and never got physical. All it took is love and good owners like me. Here’s a pitbull trained to fight and one how was never trained. More About Pit bulls There’s a Good to the left and a bad to the right.