THE KNOW HOW: Is the transit free? Which line do you take? How often does the bus come? Does the bus only go to places in Radford? Do you have to have a student ID to ride? How long does the transit stay open? Does the transit stay open longer on the weekends? If you’re riding a bike can you still ride on the transit?
HOW TO FIND YOUR INFORMATION: Step one: Go to Step two: Decide where you would like to go
THE HUB The HUB is the central lot for all the buses. It is located next to Suntrust and is a main junction for every bus line that runs. Not sure where a bus stop is? You can either look at the maps or go right to the HUB.
ROUTE 10: UNIVERSITY COMPLEX How often does this bus run? Every fifteen minutes, makes it a great way to get to class.
ROUTE 20: WAL-MART AND KROGER You want to be at Wal-Mart by 3:00pm. What time is your bus going to leave?
ROUTE 30: MAIN STREET AND REC CENTER Are the hours always the same for this bus?
ROUTE 40: BLACKSBURG AND AQUATIC CENTER You rode the bus to the mall. It’s 4:50 on Friday, will you be able to make the ride back?
ROUTE 50: EAST CAMPUS AND BURLINGTON Does this bus run the same rate?
ROUTE 60: COPPER BEACH AND HOTELS You had night class until 6:50pm, what time do you need to be in Lot A to catch the bus?
RULES AND TRAVEL TIPS The bus is free with a student ID so make sure you bring you bring it. Traffic does not stop for the bus. DO NOT CROSS IN FRONT! Bus only stops at bus stops, waving it down will not make it stop. Allow passengers to exit before entering. If the bus has two doors, exit out the back and board through the front. No pets are allowed on the bus. Bikes are allowed to be transported by the bus!