Skeletal Framework Hard palate: Teeth: Anterior two-thirds of palate. Palatine folds of maxillae. Palatines. Soft palate: Posterior third of palate. Fibromuscular fold. Teeth: Maxillary. Mandibular.
Mucous Membranes Vestibule: Between lips/cheeks and gums/teeth. Leads to: Oral cavity proper. Receives: Parotid duct: Opposite upper second molar.
Mucous Membranes Oral cavity: Uvula Bounded by: Leads to: Teeth and gums. Hard/soft palates. Leads to: Pharynx (oropharynx). Uvula
Sensory Innervation of Mucous Membranes CN V-2: Greater and lesser palatine nerves. Nasopalatine nerves. CN V-3: Lingual nerve: Floor of mouth. Buccal nerve: Vestibule and cheek.
Motor Innervation to Mucous Membranes/Glands Sympathetics: See nasal cavity. Sublingual and submandibular glands: Parasympathetics: From: Superior salivatory nucleus via CN VII. To: Submandibular/sublingual ganglion. Submandibular and sublingual glands.
Motor Innervation to Mucous Membranes/Glands Parotid gland: Parasympathetics: From: Inferior salivatory nucleus via CN IX. To: Otic ganglion. Parotid gland.
Innervation of Teeth Maxillary teeth: Mandibular teeth: Superior alveolar branches of CN V-2. Mandibular teeth: Inferior alveolar branches of CN V-3.
Innervation of Tongue General sensory: Anterior two-thirds: CN V-3 via lingual nerve. Posterior one-third: CN IX.
Innervation of Tongue Taste: Anterior two-thirds: Posterior one-third: CN VII via chorda tympani. Posterior one-third: CN IX.
Tongue Tongue is a mass of skeletal muscles covered by mucosa. Location: Anterior two-thirds in oral cavity proper. Posterior third in oropharynx. Sulcus terminalis. Foramen cecum. Frenulum. All intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated by CN XII.
Oropharynx Extends: From: Soft palate above. To: Upper border of epiglottis below. Lies at level of second and third cervical vertebrae.
Oropharynx Contains: Palatine tonsils: Encapsulated. Tonsilar branch of facial artery. Glossopharyngeal nerve.
Oropharynx Palatopharyngeus muscle: Posterior border of hard palate to fascia on lateral and posterior wall of pharynx and thyroid cartilage. Elevates pharynx during swallowing. Vagus nerve (pharyngeal plexus).
Oropharynx Palatoglossus muscle: From soft palate to lateral surface of posterior tongue. Depresses palate. Vagus nerve (pharyngeal plexus).
Oropharynx Tensor veli palatini: From scaphoid fossa of sphenoid bone and cartilaginous part of auditory tube to soft palate. Tenses soft palate.
Oropharynx Levator veli palatini: Uvula From petrous temporal bone and cartilaginous part of auditory tube to soft palate. Elevates soft palate. Uvula