Brent Kramp Jill Leiendecker Sean Lemke Phillip Roberts
Acupuncture Holds an invisible life force called qi Travels by meridians in the body Blockages in qi cause illness and pain Acupuncture can unblock the meridians
Does Acupuncture Work? Arthritis of the Knee Headaches Lower Back Pain Cancer Infertility Addiction
The Science Behind Acupuncture Acupuncture does have real effects on the human body Neuroimaging studies show acupuncture calms areas of the brain Doppler ultrasounds show increased blood flow Thermal imaging shows reduced inflammation
The Science Behind Acupuncture Acupuncture points correspond to nerve bundles or muscle trigger points Studies in the 1980s found that acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins Research suggests it stimulates blood flow, tissue repair and sends nerve signals to the brain
Acupuncture Today U.S. Navy, Air Force and Army doctors are using acupuncture Reduce the stress in earthquake victims in Haiti Used to counteract chemotherapy side effects In 2007, 3.2 million Americans had tried acupuncture
Risks 10% of patients experience some bleeding Very rare cases, fatalities have occurred
Diagnoses Most common for chronic pain conditions and fatigue, anxiety and digestive problems Acupuncturists examine a patient’s tongue, takes pulses in the wrist and asks background questions before determining which meridians are blocked
What’s Next with Acupuncture? When needles are inserted and rotated, connective tissue wraps around them Stretches the cells in connective tissue Yoga and massage have the same effect, they could act like acupuncture meridians