What does it mean to be a European ?
1. Being respectful to people around.
2. Offering help to people, who are in need of it.
3. Trying not to pollute your surroundings.
4. Awareness of the law, human rights and duties.
5. Trying not to confuse other people by your behaviour or questions.
6. Being patient and democratic during discussion.
7. Knowledge of culture (Architecture, Music) of your, or other countr ies.
8. Speaking your native language, English and studying other languages.
The main pillar in communication between countries is the Roman saying “ When i n Rome, do as Romans do."
9. So never forget following local traditions and customs, visiting other countries.
10. Be tolerant and happy!
The project completed by: o German Anikevich o Sofja Kiselova
Thank you for attention!