The two kingdoms of bacteria: Archaebacteria & Eubacteria
What type of cells? Prokaryotes: cells do not have a nucleus Eukaryotes: cells have a nucleus All bacteria are prokaryotes.
How many cells? All bacteria are unicellular.
How do they reproduce? Binary fission: simple cell division in which one cell splits into two Is this sexual or asexual reproduction?
What shapes are bacteria? Most bacteria have a cell wall that determines the shape of the bacteria. There are three main shapes of bacteria:
Shapes Bacilli
What are eubacteria? Consumers: obtain energy from other organisms –Decomposers: get energy from dead organisms –Parasites: invade other cells to obtain food Producers: make their own food –Some use photosynthesis
What are archaebacteria? Live in places with very harsh conditions. Three kinds: –Methane makers: excrete methane and are found in swamps –Heat lovers: live in places of very high temperature such as ocean vents –Salt lovers: live in places of very high salt concentration such as the Dead Sea
Bellringer How do bacteria reproduce? Binary fission
Bacteria Prokaryotes (no nucleus) Unicellular Reproduce asexually (binary fission) Three shapes: spirillia,cocci, and bacilli
Bacteria in the world The good, the bad, and the ugly.
The Good…for the environment Bacteria are essential to the environment. They take nitrogen out of the air and turn it into a form that can be used by plants in a process called nitrogen fixation. Decomposing bacteria break down dead things and recycle those nutrients so that they are available to other organisms.
The Good… for people Bacteria have been manipulated to produce antibiotics to fight different bacteria. Bacteria have been manipulated to produce other drugs such as insulin.
The Good…for people Bacteria are used in dairy processing to add flavor and add preservatives.
The Bad Strep throat Pneumonia Tuberculosis Leprosy Bubonic plague Food poisoning Anthrax