Update to National Governors’ Association Patty Bubar Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Integration and Disposition May 16, 2002
With the Focus on Cleanup and Closure - The Need to Solve Cross Site Issues is Clearer than Ever Baselines for closure sites are better focused. Performance Plans for longer term sites will bring their issues into focus. The EM Headquarters staff have role in solving disposition issues.
Examples of Disposition Issues Being Worked Fernald Silo Waste Mound TRU Waste Rocky Flats “Orphan” TRU Waste Small Quantity Sites TRU Waste
Low-level waste –Life cycle costs of commercial and DOE disposal analyzed –Results show there is a need for commercial and DOE disposal facilities –Comparative costs will be issued as guidance to sites Spent Nuclear Fuel –Dry storage of spent nuclear fuel is priority –Minimal repacking Transportation –Improving planning on package certification needs and approaches –Continued attention to communications with stakeholders DOE Order Other Cross Cutting Areas that Affect Multiple Sites Being Worked
Focus on Activities Not Clearly Related to Cleanup and Closure Necessary to Get Clear Decisions on What EM’s Role Is. GTCC Waste Sealed Sources Foreign Fuel Receipts