England’s Southern Colonies pg
Jamestown Overcomes Hardships: read your assigned paragraph and take a few notes to share with class. Conflict with Native Americans pg. 44 Colonists want land. Natives want weapons. Natives wanted to trade. Colonists ignore ties natives have to their land. Natives wanted to cooperate and learn to use tactics against the other natives who were their enemies. Powhatan was strong native leader, wanted colonists to help them Tobacco Crop Saves the Colony pg Created revenue $$$$, good climate for tobacco, John Rolfe father of tobacco in Jamestown Free Land Attracts Colonists to VA pg. 46 Attracted settlers by offering some land for free in order to grow a lot and become more profitable. Immigrated workers to be able to keep up with the amount of work.
Jamestown : 1st successful English colony 1607 (others had failed) 1.Motives: want to find gold and silver a.Virginia Company: JSC that est. Jamestown b.Better location, navigable rivers, c.Powerful and organized natives in the area… d.Wanted to turn “wilderness” into profitable farmland
2. Struggles with Settlement a.Settle near swamp disease (malaria, dysentery, typhoid) b.Live down stream from Native American tribe) contaminated water c.“ starving time ” = period of famine i.planted wheat and searched for gold… no gold in Virginia, and wheat doesn’t grow! ii.Only 20% of people survived after 15 years! One man was so hungry he killed, salted, and ate his wife!!!
#wcw #pocahontas #jamestownlovers vs History Hollywood
Pocahontas was a Virginia Indian notable for her association with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatan, the chief of tribal nations in the region of Virginia. In a well-known historical anecdote, she is said to have saved the life of an Indian captive, Englishman John Smith, in 1607 by placing her head upon his own when her father raised his war club to execute him. The general consensus of historians is that this story, as told by Smith, is untrue. Pocahontas was captured by the English during colonial hostilities in 1613, and held for ransom. During her captivity, she converted to Christianity and took the name Rebecca. When the opportunity arose for her to return to her people, she chose to remain with the English. In April 1614, she married tobacco planter John Rolfe, and in January 1615 had his son. In 1616, the Rolfes traveled to London. Pocahontas was presented to English society as an example of the "civilized savage" in hopes of stimulating investment in the Jamestown settlement. She became somewhat of a celebrity. In 1617, the Rolfes set sail for Virginia, but Pocahontas died of unknown causes around the age of possibly 22. She was buried in a church in the United Kingdom, but the exact location of her grave is unknown.
3. Economic Development a.John Smith : captain whose leadership saved colony i.“He who does not work will not eat” ii.Established trade with natives b.John Rolfe : father of tobacco i.Labor shortage slave trade ii.Labor shortage Indentured servants … work 3-7 years for travel, housing, food, etc iii.Wealthy colonists acted as land owners = worked harder and more efficiently because they saw land as theirs Get a job ***Tobacco crop thrives in hot, humid climate. Massive profits from the crop in other parts of the world PUT VIRGINIA ON THE MAP! Get a job ***Tobacco crop thrives in hot, humid climate. Massive profits from the crop in other parts of the world PUT VIRGINIA ON THE MAP!
House of Burgesses
4. Political Development a.Demand for land war with Indians increased need for local government b.House of Burgesses : 1st legislative body of the American colonies. Vote on elected representatives, made laws/taxes a.Male landowners over 17 could vote b.The British Crown takes over VA and makes them 1 st royal colony…wanted their success ($$$)
Who started the Jamestown colony and why was it a good location? What were problems they had to overcome? What caused massive population increase to the colony? What was the House of Burgesses and why was it created?
#TBT Jamestown Skeletons!!! virginia-skeletons/index.html virginia-skeletons/index.html
Let’s read about Bacon’s Rebellion
Other Southern Colonies MarylandThe CarolinasGeorgia Who established Maryland and as what type of colony? Charles I, Lord Baltimore, proprietary, Explain the religious conflict. refuge for Catholics, settlers mainly protestant Explain how Carolina moved from a proprietary colony to a royal colony. Belonged to aristocracy, N & S rejected royal control, they took over anyway Who made up the first settlers of Georgia? English debtors (criminals) When did GA become a royal colony? 1752
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