Distributed Optimization and Games (DOG) Giovanni Neglia
Goal Make you understand existing distributed algorithms in communication networks Provide you with some hints about how to engineer new distributed protocols
Goal Make you understand how local interactions among agents in a network have a global effect Biology Economy
Info (also look at 2014 course to know what’s coming)
Every lesson A short test (10-15 minutes) about the previous lesson Some specific examples/case studies take-home lessons Techniques/concepts to study similar problems
Resources (all available online!) 1) Book chapters Kelly&Yudovina, Stochastic networks Srinivas Shakkottai and R. Srikant, Network Optimization and Control, David Easley and Jon Kleinberg, Networks, Crowds, and Markets J. R. Marden and J.S. Shamma, Game Theory and Distributed Control 2) Slides 3) Your notes
Evaluation in-class closed-book tests, top 4 out of 5 marks will count for 15% of the final mark scribe notes, 2-person teams will make notes available for lessons 3, 4, 6, 7 (15% final mark) 1 homework to be delivered before lesson 6 (15% final mark) Final exam (55% final mark)