Warming up 1.I believe in myself and know I can achieve my goals. 2.I am more of a leader than a follower. 3.I know exactly what I want in my life. 4.I.


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Presentation transcript:

Warming up

1.I believe in myself and know I can achieve my goals. 2.I am more of a leader than a follower. 3.I know exactly what I want in my life. 4.I stand for what I say, and always act according to my beliefs. 5. I am honest with myself and know my weaknesses. 6. I always finish what I have started. 7. I am never disappointed for very long. 8. I can quickly adapt myself to new circumstances. 9. I am strong and ready for any challenge. 10. I don’t lose heart when I fail to do something.

1. I can quickly adapt myself to new circumstances. circumstance 常用作复数,意为 “ 环境,情况;境况 ” 。 与其相关的常见短语有: in/under the circumstances 在目前情况下; Circumstances permitting, I’ll go abroad to study. 情况允许的话,我将要出国读书。 I had to give up my attempt in the circumstances. 在目前情况下我不得不放弃尝试。

Under no circumstances will I let my daughter marry such a person. 我决不把女儿嫁给这种人。 in/under no circumstances 在任何情况下都不 (置于句首时,句子需用倒装语序)

2. I don’t lose heart when I fail to do something. lose heart 意为 “ 灰心,泄气 ” 。 Don’t lose heart when you come across difficulties. 遇到困难时你不要灰心。 He lost his heart to the famous actress lose one’s heart to sb 意为 “ 爱上了某人 ” 。 他爱上了那个著名的女演员。

1.If you were cast away on a desert island, what would you miss most? I would miss my past life if I were cast away on a desert island. Because I spend my happiest time with my parents and friends, I miss it most. I am afraid of loneliness. If they could live with me in the island, that would be perfectly good.

2. What would the island have to look like in order to be able to support life? I wish it is always spring in the island. The earth of the island is covered with flowers. There are many apple trees, pear trees, peach trees and so on. River is flowed with milk and nectar.

3. What sort of tools, weapons or things could you make yourself? What not? Things you could make:Things you could not make: I could make harpoon, boat, raft, cooker, clothes made of flowers and leaves of trees and so on. I could make harpoon, boat, raft, cooker, clothes made of flowers and leaves of trees and so on. I could not make ship, computer, TV, tape recorder, VCD, MP3 player, gun, axe, sword and so on.

Suppose you were cast away on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean, what would you do to survive? I would not know what to do but feeling sad, sullen, and lonely. Living in a desert, I would miss my parents and friends. But soon I would cheer up and do something to make myself happy. Though I couldn’ t make a tool, I could make full use of the things I had. I could not only use axe to chop wood but also go hunting with gun. Wood would be used to warm myself and cook food The important thing is that I believe as long as I am alive, I’ll have a chance to go back home. I think strong will and never-give-it-up spirit make me overcome all sorts of difficulties.