Independence Day for Venezuela By: Katie Keller
The Celebration In Venezuela they celebrate their independence with many different types of celebrations. Parades, fireworks, and groups of planes are large parts of the celebration. These events are held in large cities of Venezuela, such as their capital, Caracas, and other important cities like Valencia, Puerto La Cruz, and Maracaibo. Famous people attend these events, for publicity and entertainment of the guests. Such people are Miss Venezuela, famous singers, and important people in the government at that time.
The Importance On July 5th, 1811, Venezuela gained their independence from Spain. The revolution to gain their independence was led by Simon Bolivar. They wanted their freedom so that they could break away from the Spanish government and declare themselves a nation based on the equality of individuals and their freedom to expression, however they choose. These principals were put into a constitution after Venezuela declared their freedom from spain, and they did this because they wanted to change their way from Spain because they were opposed to the political, cultural, and social practices that they had during their 300 years of colonazation.
Mí opiníon Quiero celebrar la Día de indepencía de Venezuela. Lo haría mucho divertido. Me gusta carnavales y comida. Indepencía es muy importante. Me aprende mucho sobre la historia y cultura.