East Lake High School Guidance Presentation INFORMATION NIGHT
Mrs. Harris – Last Names A-G Mrs. Kopacz – Last Names H-O Mr. Morris – Last Names P-Z Mrs. Liguori – Engineering Academy INTRODUCING….
The School Counseling World in 2016 ….. -High volume of students -Many different hats -Busy peaks throughout year Contacting us by first is preferred due to limited phone access during the student day Parent appointments are encouraged We value each child we are responsible for no matter the numbers SCHOOL COUNSELORS
24 credits 2.0 GPA 4 English 4 Math (must include Alg 1, Geometry) 3 Science (must include Biology) 3 Social Studies (World History, US History, Govt, Economics) HOPE 1 credit F.A. 1 online class Must pass FSA Reading Must Pass Alg 1 EOC (399+) or PERT (97+) Must sit for Geometry, Algebra II (if enrolled), US History, and Biology EOCs (+ counts towards final grade) GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS
Students must complete a full course online. If it’s a two semester course, both semesters must be completed If it’s a one semester course, one semester must be completed. Students can do this with Pinellas Virtual or Florida Virtual. We recommend Pinellas Virtual. ONLINE COURSE
Will start the first week of February through English classes Parent signature required on course selection sheet Engineering Business Performing Arts Scholar - AVID/Bio Med /Capstone Foreign Language Electives: Spanish, French, German, Chinese Students will be receiving their course selection sheets on Wednesday, January 27 th in 4 th period. Students are expected to speak to their current academic and academy elective teachers to help choose the best classes. REGISTRATION FOR NEXT YEAR
Honors Courses -.5 weight AP Courses – 1.0 weight 9 TH & 10 TH GRADE ONLY – QUALITY POINT CHANGES
Florida Academic Scholars 1290 SAT OR 29 ACT Community Service hrs 3.5 GPA (weighted) 2 years of the same foreign language Florida Medallion Scholars 1170 SAT OR 26 ACT Community Service – 75 hours 3.0 GPA (weighted) 2 years of the same foreign language BRIGHT FUTURES ACADEMIC & MEDALLION
30 hours of community service 3 credits in Career Technical Program Test Scores SAT Reading 440 Math 440 ACT English 17 Reading 19 MATH 19 PERT Reading 106 Writing 103 Math GPA in Career & Technical Program 3.0 weighted GPA in core classes It can only be used at postsecondary institutions that offer an applied technology diploma, technical degree education program (Associate in Applied Science or Associate in Science) or a career certificate. BRIGHT FUTURES VOCATIONAL GOLD SEAL
Volunteer hours need to be pre-approved by counselors ahead of time Student needs to fill out forms for each place he/she volunteers It does not need to be non-profit Due the last week before he/she graduates BRIGHT FUTURES COMMUNITY SERVICE
Attendance Requirement – no more than 4 days (excused or unexcused in any one given class) Grade Requirement – As and Bs Exam Exemption form will be given to those students who qualify. Must be signed by an administrator and returned that same week in order to exempt. If the student qualifies to do so, he/she can exempt up to 3 final exams (exceptions may occur with specific courses such as state EOC courses and/or if a student exempted the 1 st semester of the same course). EXAM EXEMPTIONS
Score reports will be distributed to all students through their English classes during February. English teachers will be assisting with interpreting the results as well as providing instructions on how to utilize helpful resources such as College Board and Khan Academy. This year’s results were based on the newly redesigned SAT. If students would like a copy of their original PSAT Test Booklet, they come to guidance during lunch to pick that up. PSAT SCORES
SAT & ACT We encourage college bound students to take one ACT & one SAT during the fall or spring of their junior year. Once the scores are received, it is recommended that the student retake whichever test he/she scored higher on at least one more time to see if scores can be increased. East Lake High School does offer all SATs and ACTs on campus. These take place on Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. Florida colleges (and most others) will accept either the SAT or ACT. There are slight differences that can be researched online but please make sure to note that the SAT new format has changed some of those differences. COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMS
SAT SUITE OF ASSESSMENTS Why is the SAT changing in March 2016? The redesign was conducted with an end goal of opportunity for all students The SAT Suite of Assessments provides insight into a student’s strengths and an opportunity to stay on track for college It only covers things that are supposed to be taught in the classroom It is attempting to have all students access the opportunities they have earned PSAT & SAT fee waivers (if applicable) College application fee waivers Over $180M scholarships that invite and inspire students Measure what you learn in school and what you need to succeed in college
SAT SUITE OF ASSESSMENTS CONTINUED Tests administered PSAT/NMSQT – all 9 th & 10 th graders SAT –11 th grade for college entrance purposes Resources to help you grow Khan Academy - A free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere Khanacademy.org – practice not preparation SAT Daily Practice app
AP COURSE OFFERINGS Beginning in… …the following AP Courses are options at ELHS Grade 9Human Geography Grade 10English Language, World History Grade 11 & Grade 12 Art 2-D or 3-D, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, English Literature, Music Theory, Physics, Environmental, Seminar, Spanish Language & Culture, German, Statistics, US History, European History, Psychology, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Government, Research, Seminar, Spanish Literature, Computer Science
AP CAPSTONE RECOGNITIONS AP Seminar & Research Certificate Students must earn a 3 or higher on the AP Seminar Exam Students must earn a 3 or higher on the AP Research Exam AP Capstone Diploma Students must earn a 3 or higher in AP Seminar, AP Research AND at least 4 other AP exams
AVAILABLE TO EAST LAKE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Course TypesAdvanced PlacementDual Enrollment Curriculum Globally definedLocally defined Access Open to all motivated students Minimum testing, GPA and credit requirements Location High School campusHigh School or College campus Cost NoneNone* GPA Impact High School onlyHigh School & College College Credit Based on AP Exam Score and college discretion C or higher, transferable to all Florida SUS schools*
Dual Enrollment At least 7 high school credits in math, science, language arts and social studies Minimum 3.0 unweighted GPA Qualifying PERT, ACT, or SAT scores SPC ID in Focus Financial Aid & College Admissions College Setting vs. High School Setting Summer registration begins March 23 rd (viewing on March 7 th ) and fall registration begins April 18 th (viewing on April 4 th ) Early College -11 th and 12 th Grade -Full Time -Graduate with a high school degree and AA degree (up to 60 college credits) Deadline for 10 th graders is February 10, 2016 SPC OPTIONS
At ELHS, we value the input from our students and felt it would be helpful if you heard from some of them regarding the different programs at ELHS….. AP Courses: Words by Kyle Howarth “I have taken almost all of the AP classes at ELHS. I began with AP Human Geography as a freshman. This style of class not only challenges you, but also prepares you for college.” AP Capstone: Words by Jordan Lee “AP Capstone has helped to prepare me for college research projects, and it helps me in English since we write a lot.” AVID: Words by Marissa Portolano “AVID is more than an elective, it’s a lifestyle, and it makes college dreams a reality. We learn things like how to succeed in college, how to prepare for tests like the PSAT and SAT/ACT, and we do college & career research. In addition, AVID is a community, and we are surrounded by the best.” OVERVIEW OF ELHS PROGRAMS
Band: Words by Charles Cavaliere “Band allows the creative side of me to come out during school, and my school work benefits from the passion that I gain from playing a musical instrument.” Bio Medical Program: Words by Matthew Wyers “The program has opened my eyes to the severity of some medical conditions and we have been able to go in to depth learning about the medical conditions and what solutions and treatments are available to those affected.” Business Academy: Words by Bryce Moecklin “I have been in the business academy since I was a freshmen. The business academy not only prepares you for college, but also prepares you for the real world. You can get certified in programs that will look good on college applications and resumes.” Chorus/Vocal Ensemble: Words by Lauren Bansberg “Chorus has unlimited opportunities such as experiences at Carnegie Hall, Magicals, All State, and the UF Choir Festival. There is always a lot of potential to build and to improve your voice, and we are all like family because we work closely together a lot.” OVERVIEW OF ELHS PROGRAMS
Engineering: Words by Spencer Depperman “The engineering program gives you a great view of what it is like to work in the field of engineering and you have many opportunities for hands-on learning. It also looks great for college.” Theater Arts: Words by Courteney McClutchy “The ELHS Theater Arts Program has helped me to discover my passion for musical theater. Mr. Brady and the drama program have been like a second family for me.” Visual Arts: Words by Rowan Kelley “I have been a part of the ELHS Visual Arts Program for all 4 years. It has really helped me progress as an artist. I am now in AP Art and am really grateful for the opportunity to be able to create a portfolio and further improve my art skills.” OVERVIEW OF ELHS PROGRAMS
We appreciate your attendance and attention tonight. We hope our presentation helped you and/or your student. If you have further questions, please contact your student’s counselor after this evening. THANK YOU!
Ms. Jennifer Vragovic and Ms. Judy Vigue are here with us tonight from Pinellas County’s very own Advanced Studies & Academic Excellence Department. Please welcome them….. INTRODUCING OUR SPECIAL GUESTS…..