JavaScript Object Model
Biggest Advantage of JavaScript I can access values of HTML elements using JavaScript I can modify values of HTML elements using JavaScript
Disadvantage of JavaScript Each browser has its own document object Model
Initial JavaScript Object Model
New JavaScript Object Model
New Properties added in Latest JavaScript Model all[] Children[] className innerHTML innterText outerHTML outerText
New Properties added in Latest JavaScript Model parentElement style tagName
New methods added in Latest JavaScript Model Click() getAttribute() insertAdjacentHTML() insertAdjacentText() setAttribute() removeAttribute()
Difference between Initial Model and New model Slide No. 7 and 9 shows the new methods and new properties Slide no.5 blue circles shows the new objects added in Latest JavaScript Model
How to use these Object Model We have been doing this in our previous lecture, but I will take few more examples now.
Sample Code Test Document Sample link Sample link 2
How many Forms are there? Use object forms[] document.forms[] is an array document.forms.length returns the number of forms in the web page document.forms[0] is the first form, OR document.form1 is the first form document.forms[0].name returns the name of first form i.e. form1
Code to Access All Forms if (document.forms.length > 0) { document.write(" Forms "); document.write("# Forms = " + document.forms.length + " "); for (i=0; i < document.forms.length; i++) document.write("Forms["+i+"]=" + document.forms[i].name + " "); }
How many anchors are there? Use object anchors[] document.anchors[] is an array document.anchors.length returns the number of anchors in the web page document.anchors[0] is the first anchor, OR document.anchor1 is the first anchor
Code to Access all anchors if (document.anchors.length > 0) { document.write(" Anchors "); document.write("# Anchors = " + document.anchors.length + " "); for (i=0; i < document.anchors.length; i++) document.write("Anchors["+i+"]=" + document.anchors[i] + " "); }
How many links are there? Use object links[] document.links[] is an array document.links.length returns the number of links in the web page document.links[0] is the first link, OR document. name of link is the first link (In our example, we didn’t use any any name for link)
Other Properties document.bgColor - returns the background color of web page document.fgColor – returns the foreground color of web page. document.location – returns the location of web page i.e URL document.URL – returns the URL of web page document.title – returns the title of web page.
More properties document.alinkColor – returns the active link color document.vlinkColor – returns the visited link color. document.linkColor – returns the link color. Slide were based on oldest JavaScript Model.
Sample Code
Using elements[] To access 1 st form, I can write document.forms[0] To access 2 nd form, I can write document.forms[1] To access 1 st text box inside 2 nd form document.forms[1].elements[0] To access 2 nd text box inside 1 st form document.forms[1].elements[1]
Using elements[] elements can be radio button, text box, check box etc. Also called as form elements. elements[] is defined inside forms[], (Refer slide 4 and 5). elements.length return the number of elements inside a particular form. elements[0] refer to 1 st element, elements[1] refer to 2 nd element and so on.
2 nd Method of accessing elements By using name attribute of elements. (We discussed this with forms and anchors and links)
2 nd method of accessing elements document.myForm.userName refer to the text box inside form.
3 rd method of accessing elements Using getElementById() Element that we want to access must have its id attribute defined
Example of getElementById this is a paragraph pid = document.getElementById(“p1”); p1.align = “right”;
document.getElementById pid =getElementById(“p1”) Returns the reference of object and store it in pid. pid.align = “right” This will align the paragraph with id=p1 to the right By Id we can get access to any element in the web page.
document.all[] document.all[] – return array of all html tags in the web page. i.e. document.all.length is the count of number of tags in web page. document.all[0] returns the reference of 1 st tag. document.all[1] retuns the reference of 2 nd tag. Introduced by Internet Explorer
Example Example Heading This is a paragraph. It is only a paragraph. Yet another paragraph. This final paragraph has special emphasis.
How many tags are there document.all.length, returns the number of tag in the web page.
What are the name of tags var no = document.all.length; alert(no); for(i=0;i<no;i++) document.write(" “ + document.all[i].tagName);
Output Total number of tags: 16 HTML HEAD TITLE BODY H1 HR P EM EM P EM P EM EM HR SCRIPT
Final Note We will learn about more JavaScript Object introduced by new browsers in next chapter.