The Fifth UNEDF Annual Collaboration Meeting June 20-24, 2011, Michigan State University Welcome! UNEDF members collaborators guests
Funded for 5 years by DOE (NP, NNSA, ASCR) 9 universities and 7 national labs Junior scientists: 11 students, 19 postdocs/year ~50 researchers in physics computer science applied mathematics International partners Focus on: Predictive power Robust extrapolations Validation Guidance Focus on: Predictive power Robust extrapolations Validation Guidance UNEDF is like a large experimental collaboration but it addresses many areas of the Nuclear Physics program Universal Nuclear Energy Density Functional
As UNEDF has matured, it has been satisfying to see the increased coherence within the effort. Indeed, the project has created and facilitated an increasing interplay among the major sections where none existed previously. Each of the main physics areas now includes collaborations that cross over into other sectors. Ab Initio ↔ DFT Neutron drops data provide constraints on density functionals Quantum Monte Carlo and DFT description of dilute fermions EFT ↔ DFT Novel functionals derived from chiral interactions Assessment of 3N forces Global characterization of functionals Ab initio ↔ Reactions Ab initio description of scattering and light-ion reactions DFT↔ Reactions QRPA states for reaction cross sections Microscopic optical model potential from functionals DFT and TDFT description of fission CI ↔ DFT Correlation energy in DFT from shell model Nuclear densities and reaction rates from CI and DFT PHY ↔ CS/AM (see below) High-performance computing New algorithms New frameworks Coherence and Uniqueness A fair number of applications are now running on the biggest machines available, a vast change from when UNEDF started. We can take advantage of the movement towards exascale!
34 Papers in 2011 so far: 8 Physical Review Letters and 1 Science Pioneering calculations of quantized vortices appear in Science magazine UNEDF junior scientist accepted a faculty position at UNC Chapel Hill UNEDF collaboration member receives early career grant from DOE UNEDF collaboration member wins CMU President's Award for Outstanding Research UNEDF researcher to join University of Tsukuba high performance computing effort UNEDF project featured in DOE Office of Science "Science Highlights Series” Good News Calculations by UNEDF researchers at Iowa State and LBNL featured in Science Newsline UNEDF project featured in DOE Office of Science "Science Highlights Series" Innovative algorithm developed for UNEDF is featured in DEIXIS INCITE Award to UNEDF researchers featured in Iowa State University News and University of Tennessee Physics News Advances in UNEDF energy functional optimization featured in Argonne Science Highlights UNEDF F-17 and F-14 work featured in Science Daily UNEDF projects recognized in ASCR Computing News
Meeting’s Objectives Assess progress towards Year-5 and final deliverables: reports and discussions Global view: guest presentations UNEDF in “Year-6”: preparations for SciDAC-3 call Future of UNEDF website UNEDF codes repository UNEDF codes dissemination/publication Outreach, highlights, potential covers Year-5 Exit Report. Schedule, responsibilities Computational nuclear DOE NP: discussion with Ted Barnes Computational nuclear FRIB: discussion with FRIB management