Deutscher Wetterdienst Consolidation of the software for the generation of External Parameters and extension with new raw data sets Hermann Asensio
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Outline Software for the generation of External Parameters (COLBOC Task 2) Consolidation and extension of database (COLOBOC Task 3)
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Overall description of the External Parameter System external parameters on target grid GLOBE orography DSMW soil data GLC2000 land use
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Software for the generation of External Parameters (COLBOC Task 2)
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD ksh scripts Fortran programs global icosahedral grid GME ksh scripts Fortran programs limited area domain COSMO current status external parameter generation new library external parameter generation ksh scripts Fortran programs (Fortran 2003/ Fortran 95) user defined grid Icon,GME COSMO
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Software for the generation of External Parameters: technical development Software requirements specifications written new Software Code basis (Fortran 2003 Standard) according to the software requirement specifications technical documentation with doxygen (HTML and/or Latex style documentation generated with the help of “tags” from comments in the Fortran source code) NetCDF as basic file format for Input/Output GRIB output with ECMWF “GRIB_API”
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Version control system and distribution of software (and raw datasets) Webinterface for standard requests for the generation of external parameters for arbitrary domains (prototype available) update documentation Software for the generation of External Parameters: open topics
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Consolidation and extension of database (COLOBOC Task 3)
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Additional external parameters Current external parameter fields for the COSMO model, total 15 fields planned extensions for the COSMO model, total 30 fields HH, FR_LAND, SOILTYP, Z0, SSO_STDH, SSO_GAMMA, SSO_THETA, SSO_SIGMA, PLCOV_MN, PLCOV_MX, LAI_MN, LAI_MX, FOREST_D, FOREST_E, ROOTDP HH, FR_LAND, SOILTYP, Z0, SSO_STDH, SSO_GAMMA, SSO_THETA, SSO_SIGMA, PLCOV_MX, LAI_MX, FOREST_D, FOREST_E, ROOTDP NDVI, NDVI_MX, NDVI_RATIO, AER_BC, AER_DUST, AER_SO4, AER_SS, T2M_CL, URBAN, RSMIN, EMISS_RAD, FR_LAKE, DEPTH_LK, SLOPE_ASP, SLOPE_ANG, HORIZON, SKYVIEW
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Currently used raw data for external parameters GLOBE DSMW GLC2000
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD NDVI (SEAWiFS) climatology of near surface temperature (CRU) Additional raw datasets
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Additional external parameters Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI)
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD further external parameter fields Fraction Lake FR_LAKE Lake Depth DEPTH_LK (currently available only for COSMO-EU)
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Consolidation and extension of database: open topics uncertainties in raw data sets and look-up tables
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Caveats Problem: The Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi, Russian Federation: The map The external parameters Sochi Most raw data sets provide values (for soiltype etc.) But the land-sea-mask of the GLC2000 data set gives sea water!
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Caveats The external parameters are only as good as the available raw data sets. GLC2000 land use classes GLCC USGS land use / land cover system
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD GME ni 256 based on GLCCGME ni 256 based on GLC2000 COSMO-EU based on GLC2000COSMO-DE based on GLC2000 Evergreen Forest: GLC2000 vs. GLCC
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Lookup Tables DWD routine lookup table RSMIN Table a1 RSMIN after Dorman and Sellers (1989) Table a2 RSMIN after Masson (2003) Min R s [s/m] DWD, current routine settings150 DWD, settings (constant value for all land use classes) Table a1, Dorman and Sellers (1989)120 Table a2, Masson (2003) (Ecoclimap)40 Example: Minimal stomatal resistance (RSMIN) values for land use class “grassland” mapping of land use classes to external parameters
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Consolidation and extension of database: open topics smoothing of orography in EXTPAR for parameters for sub-grid scale orography effects (proper scale separation for Z0 / SSO ?) External parameters for orographic radiation correction consolidate raw datasets: new global, gridded lake database (Ekaterina Kourzeneva, 2010) Harmonized World Soil Database MODIS data for surface background albedo ETOPO1 or ASTER DEM for orography Globcover for land use data
COSMO General Meeting, Moscow, , H. Asensio, DWD Thank you for your attention!