Computer Science I Assignments. Extra credit possibilities. Have a great break!
Objective Get away from actual programming. Reflect on course material. Reflect on what is going on in the world. Plan next project.
My Virtual Dog HTML JavaScript application done several years ago. Example of discrete event simulation. – Distinct application states
Based on MY model of dog behavior You can starve the dog or overfeed the dog. There always is a chance a dog will bite you. – The decision on wagging tail dog versus snarling dog is based is probabilistic (stochastic) but exact probability varies depending on how recently fed. I generally don't like dogs.
Discrete Event Simulation Serious activity: weather prediction, traffic flows, other. Create model of something. Decide on states – Represented by one or more variables Decide on transitions between states based on state values and, possible, other information. The examine-and-possibly-change is performed at discrete intervals. – Possibly representing longer units of time or as approximation to continuous activity.
Your assignment Design your virtual something. – Identify your something. – What are user (player) actions? – What are the states? – What are the transitions between states? – Is something suitable for stochastic processing? Do not try to program anything. This is an activity suitable for the beach.
Processing implementation Challenges to handle animated gif: a GIFAnimation library does not appear to be available. Note: in Processing, we can make our own animation.
Assignments Design your virtual something. – Yes, it may change when you get to implementation. – Bring in your notes. Pay attention to the news. Find article on computing: post summary and your comments.
Extra credit possibilities Reflections on course and subject matter. – Include Processing and Java (IntelliJ) What determines the numbers in the saveFrame images? How often is mouseDragged triggered? What are the biggest and smallest values in the int variable? For a float variable? What is ASCII and what is UNICODE and what do they have to do with String?