Creating Americans How Public Libraries can serve Utah’s refugee population
The American Dream "The American public library empowered many immigrants to transform their individual dreams and potentialities into American realities." Eric Frederick Goldman, "Century of the American dream," Saturday Review (Dec. 13, 1975)
Who are Utah’s refugees? Two main groups Pre-Bosnia – Bosnia, Vietnam and some from Sudan and Somalia Post-Bosnia – Iraq, Myanmar, Nepal, and Somalia -Gerald Brown, Director, Utah State Office of Refugee Services, personal communication April 18, 2010
Pre-Bosnian conflict Most have been in U.S. for many years Many have citizenship Decent access to materials in Utah’s libraries Vietnamese, Bosnian, Cuban, and Laotian
Current refugees Two smaller groups based on education Educated – Iraqis and Bhutanese from Nepal Uneducated – Groups from Myanmar and West Africa Uneducated need most help
How many are there? About 1,100 come to Utah each year The Utah State Office of Refugee Services estimates about 25,000 refugees currently call the state home
The library serving refugees Let’s visit “The American Place” at Hartford Public Library:
What can we do? Celebrate World Refugee Day June 20 to raise community awareness
Social programs Refugee’s rights workshops Job training fairs “How To” classes on using the Internet, getting a driver’s license, food stamps Citizenship classes
Literacy programs Online subscriptions to ethnic publications Pamphlets on classes and programs in native language Bilingual storytime for all ages - use volunteers from community
Librarians serve refugees around the world “My Librarian Is A Camel: How books are brought to children around the world”
References (2010) Central Intelligence Agency: The World Factbook. Retrieved from factbook/docs/flagsoftheworld.html on April 20, factbook/docs/flagsoftheworld.html on April 20 factbook/docs/flagsoftheworld.html on April 20 (2010) Help for Refugees. Retrieved from on April 20, 2010 (2010) The American Place at Hartford Public Library. Retrieved from on April 20, on April 20 on April 20 Ruurs, M. (2005). My Librarian Is A Camel: How Books Are Brought To Children Around The World. Honesdale, PA: Boyd Mills Press.