4 SELECTED PROVINCES FOR Elimination Preah Vihear Kratie Kep PAILIN
Year Population PAR reported API (local)/1000 PAR #local cases reported % of cases reported # surveillance staff (person-years of malaria work) Phase (Con/Elim/Prev)Control Pre-Elimination Narrative: Border province with Thailand and Laos, multidrug resistance.Targeting Pf elimination by 2020 with reduction in Pv burden API to be reduced by two-thirds approximately. High transmission area- hence very large # of local cases. As programme surveillance increases, it is expected that all cases occurring in the province will be reported by each for administrative district and 1 for OD required in order to ensure surveillance function is fully implemented Priority interventions 1-Full coverage of LLINs, introduction of hammock nets 2-Village volunteers, incentives for certain health staff of volunteers. 3- Low single dose of PQ treatment Preah Vihear PROVINCES SELECTED FOR ELIMINATION
Year Population PAR reported API (local)/1000 PAR #local cases reported % of cases reported # surveillance staff (person-years of malaria work) 0111 Phase (Con/Elim/Prev)Control Pre-Elimination Kratie PROVINCES SELECTED FOR ELIMINATION Narrative: Medium burden, border province with Vietnam, multidrug resistance Targeting malaria pre-elimination and Pf elimination with reduction in Pv burden by 2020 API to be reduced by two-thirds approximately Only part of the province is transmission area- along Mekong river, no tranmission. Hence moderate # of local cases As programme surveillance increases, it is expected that all cases occurring in the province will be reported by each for administrative district and 1 for OD required in order to ensure surveillance function is fully implemented Priority interventions 1-Full coverage of LLINs, introduction of hammock nets 2-Village volunteers, incentives for certain health staff of volunteers. 3- Low single dose of PQ treatment
Year Population PAR reported API (local)/1000 PAR #local cases reported % of cases reported 100 # surveillance staff (person-years of malaria work) Phase (Con/Elim/Prev) POR Priority interventions Strenthening of intersecteral collaboration Incresased active surveiilance and response (Re-active case detection) Entomological surveillance for appropriate vector control response (IRS, LLINs, etc…) KEP PROVINCES SELECTED FOR ELIMINATION Narrative: Low burden with no multidrug resistance. Owing to continuing presence of vector, potential for transmission is there. Aim will be to prevent re-introduction. All cases are imported(29 in 2014, 16 cases from Jan to June 2015) Because of the small geographical size of district, it is reasonably certain that the surveillance system captures all malaria cases occurring in the province 1 surveillance officer will be required to continue vigilance against malaria importation
Year Population PAR reported API (local)/1000 PAR #local cases reported % of cases reported # surveillance staff (person-years of malaria work) Phase (Con/Elim/Prev) Pre-elimination Elimination Priority interventions Mass treatment with PQ (Once approved) ntensive surveiilance and response (Re-active case detection) Cross border collaboration PAILIN PROVINCES SELECTED FOR ELIMINATION Narrative: Low burden with high multidrug resistance bordering Thailand. By 2018 we aim to eliminate all forms of malaria in order to eliminate resistance and be alert against cases coming from the other side of the border. Potential for transmission will continue because of forest terrain and vector presence From 2018, there will be no more local cases occurring. The aim will be to capture all malaria cases occurring in the province through public health facilities and VMWs 3 surveillance staff required in order to enter elimination phase and continue vigilance against susbequent re-introduction from neighbouring provinces and across the border.