Welcome to Yellow Team Mrs. Wilson -- US History --Team Leader Mrs. Laster-- Science Mr. Benvenuto-- Math Ms. Crismale– Language Arts
We have a great group of kids! We are all here to help. Many tools to help students have a great year. Websites – Check them daily! Power School Guidance Counselor- Mr. Giamattei Psychologist- Mrs. Swartz Social Worker- Mr. Ethan Sansolo Library- Mrs. Schwartz & Mrs. Naples Reading Specialists- Ms. Mangini & Mrs. Rosabianca Yellow team has great kids, and great kids come from great parents! Thanks for sharing your children with us.
Good students SOAR PAST minimum expectations S tay Ahead in your work O wn Up for your mistakes A ttend School both physically and mentally R emain P ositive in your attitude A dvocate for your needs S tay Organized T ry Your Personal Best
Student Responsibilities Bring notebook, textbook, planner, and appropriate writing tools to class. Know due dates, and submit all coursework on time. Check powerschool often. It is a tool for students AND parents. All major assignments and tests are posted on our websites. Check the websites daily.
How Parents Can Help a)Check your child’s teachers’ websites. b)Check your child’s grades online (often). c)Check your child’s planner (daily if necessary). d)Kick them in the derriere (hourly if necessary). e)Meet with the team as necessary. f)Assist with homework questions and projects, but don’t do it for them. Disclaimer-- d is only a joke- sort of… The hourly part is from my own experience raising 3 middle schoolers. I survived; so will you. You are in the home stretch!
Policies Candy, gum, food and beverages are not allowed in the classrooms. We get critters. Please review the dress code and check your child’s clothing, no rips in jeans above the knee, and no short skirts even with leggings. Also no slide style shoes. Late work is not accepted in 8 th grade. Homework is never accepted late, and students should not expect to return to lockers.
Absences- Avoid them if possible Check teacher website for any missed work. Ask team members or a classmate first for assignments. Each absence has a one-day grace period for making up work. Vacations- As a rule, we will try to send some work if it is ready, but cannot promise to have work for a student ahead of time. They will likely have significant work to make up on return to school. Policies cont.
US HISTORY Main skill development for this year is using evidence to make and support claims. We will be evaluating sources including: primary and secondary texts, photographs, drawings and other images, artifacts, and audio / video recordings. Our big question is: How did we (America) get to be the way we are today? We started with a quick look at exploration and how Europeans came to be in the Americas, and will study through post Civil War reconstruction.
You should see me at home! I should stay home all year.
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