Puddle ducks b Mallard b Large duck, 2.5-3lbs, inches b Chestnut chest, white belly, dark rump b Blue spectrum with white tips
Male and Female Mallard
In flight
Black Duck b Large 2.5-3lbs b Loud quack female b low rink male
Pintail b 2-2.5lbs b Bill bluish with black stripe down middle b Voice-whistle
Elongated flight bird
Shoveler bMbMale medium sized 1.25lbs bRbRich cinnamon body bill spoon shaped, black bMbM. coverts blue bGbGreater coverts white bars
Shoveler b Voice- silent or weak “took-took” b Flight head low b Speculum iridescent green
Wood duck b Medium sized b eyes red, short bill
Wood ducks b Voice- squeal, variety of whistles b Head held high b large square tail evident
Other puddle ducks bMbMbMbMollted duck bMbMbMbMexican duck bGbGbGbGadwall bGbGbGbGreen and Blue Teal bTbTbTbTree Duck bAbAbAbAmerican coot