PREFIX REVIEW Honors English 8.


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Presentation transcript:

PREFIX REVIEW Honors English 8

A-, an- ANonymous (without a name) Apodal (without feet) Amnesia (without memory) Atypical (not typical)

AB-, abs-, a- ABSent (to be away) ABduct (to lead away) ABrupt (to break away from) ABStract (to pull away from the concrete)

AD-, ab-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-, a- ADmire (to look toward) ADhere (to stick to) ADjective (toward or near a noun) ADvertisement (to turn toward)

ANA- ANAgram (up or back letters) ANAlogy (upon reason) ANAtomy (to cut up) ANAlyze (to loosen up)

ANTE- ANTEbellum (before war) ANTErior (placed before or in front) ANTEcedent (to go before) ANTEdate (date before)

ANTI-, ant- ANTIfreeze (opposite of freeze) ANTIbiotic (against microbial life) ANTacid (against acid) ANTIdote (to give as a remedy against)

COM-, con-, col-, cor-, co- COMpanion (to break bread together) COMbine (two together) CONspire (to breathe together) CONversation (to turn together)

DE- DEpart (to split apart) DEscend (to step down) DEduct (to lead away or down) DEscribe (to write down)

DIS-, dif-, di- DIShonest (apart from honest) DIFferent (to set apart) DIStract (to pull apart or away) DIvert (to turn aside)

EPI-, ep- EPIdermis (upon the skin) EPonym (named upon a person) EPIlogue (words after a book) EPIdemic (upon the people)

EX-, e-, ec-, ef-, es- EXit (to go out) Effect (to work out) EXhale (to breathe out) EScape (out of one’s cape)

IN- (not), im-, il-, ir- INcorrect (not correct) IRrelevant (not relevant) IMproper (not proper) ILlegal (not legal)

IN- (in), im-, il-, ir- INject (to throw in) IRrigate (in water or moisture) IMprison (in prison) ILluminate (in the light)

INTER-, intel- INTERcept (to take between) INTERsect (to cut between) INTERrupt (to break between) INTELligent (to read between)

OB- (against, toward), oc-, of-, op- OBstacle (to stand against) OCcupy (to take over) OFfense (to strike against) OPposite (to set against)

PER- PERmit (to let go through) PERmeate (to pass through) PERfect (to do or perform thoroughly) PERmanent (to stay through)

PRE- PREdict (to say before) PREhistoric (before recorded history) PREvent (to come before) PREcede (to go before)

PRO- PROceed (to go forth) PROvoke (to call forth) PROpose (to put before) PROlogue (words before a book)

RE- REcess (to go back) REmove (to move back) REplay (to play again) REvert (to turn back)

SUB-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-, su-… SUBmarine (below the sea) SUBtract (to pull from under) SUFfix (to attach after) SUCceed (to go up to or near)

SYN-, syl-, sym-, sys- SYNonym (same name) SYMpathy (feeling together) SYStem (to stand together) SYLlable (to take together)

TRANS-, tran- TRANSfer (to carry across) TRANscribe (to write over) TRANSport (to carry across) TRANscend (to step across/beyond)

RE- back, again

PRO- forward, forth, before

EX- out, out of, away from

ANTE- before, earlier; in front of

IN- no, not, without; in, into, within

PER- through, thoroughly

up, upward, back, backward ANA- up, upward, back, backward

DE- away, down, opposite of

AB- away, from, off

COM- with, together

DIS- apart, away

together, with, at same time SYN- together, with, at same time

PRE- before

A- without, not

against, opposed to, opposite of ANTI- against, opposed to, opposite of

AD- to, toward

on, upon, over, after, besides, among EPI- on, upon, over, after, besides, among

between, among, together INTER- between, among, together

across, beyond, on the other side TRANS- across, beyond, on the other side

against, toward, by, down, away OB- against, toward, by, down, away

SUB- under, below, up to, lower in rank, nearly

together, with, at the same time SYN-

out, out of, away from EX-

no, not, without IN-

without, not A-

under, below, up to, SUB-

on, upon, over, after, besides EPI-

(as in “before recorded history”) PRE-

in, into, within IN-

away, from, off AB-

back, again RE-

apart, away DIS-

between, among, together INTER-

to, toward AD-

away, down, do the opposite of DE-

forward, forth, before PRO-

together, with COM-

across, beyond, on the other side TRANS-

against, toward, by, down, away OB-

up, upward, back, backward ANA-

against, opposed to, opposite of ANTI-

through, thoroughly PER-

before (before the war); earlier, in front of ANTE-