Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck An intro to the novella.
John Steinbeck Born in Salinas, CA in 1902. Died 1968. Worked as a farm-hand as a young man. Most famous books set in California in1930’s and 40’s, and deal with lives and problems of working people. Many characters are immigrants from Mexico or other parts of U.S. looking for a better life in California.
The Setting of Of Mice and Men Set in the farmland of Salinas Valley. The ranch in the story is near Soledad, south-east of Salinas near Salinas River. Weed is nearby. Countryside described would be very familiar to Steinbeck.
Migrant Farm Workers Between 1880 and the 1930’s, many men traveled the countryside harvesting wheat. But by the time Of Mice and Men was published, half of America’s grain was harvested by huge combine harvesters. Five men could now do what used to take 350. George and Lennie are some of the last of the migrant farm workers, earning up to $3.00 a day and very basic room and board. During the Great Depression of the 30’s, agencies (like Murray and Ready’s, where George and Lennie get their work cards) were set up to send farm workers where they were needed.
The American Dream From the 17th Century, when the first settlers arrived, immigrants dreamed of a better life in America, but that dream seemed to end for American society with the Stock Market crash of 1929. However, the dream survived for individuals. Thousands made their way west to California to escape from their farm-lands in the mid-west and as a response to the growing popularity of cinema and Hollywood.
Anticipation Guide Please copy the following statements. Leave several lines of space between each. #1 People who are poor should rely on their friends, family, or church for help, not the government.
#2 A good friend will always tell you the truth, even if you might not like to hear it.
#3 People who are victims of terrible crimes have the right to take the law into their own hands.
#4 Women today are more often treated as equals rather than objects.
#5 The best place for justice to be determined is in a court of law.
#6 Having money is more important than having friends.
#7 Killing is justifiable in some situations.
#8 Life today is more difficult than it was in the 1930’s.
Homework For homework, decide whether you agree or disagree with each of the statements and provide detailed explanations for your opinions. Use experiential or hypothetical examples to support. Each explanation should be between 2-5 sentences.