Presenters ■Sherri Hester, Associate Registrar, University of North Alabama ■Tori Gaddy, Assistant Registrar, Jacksonville State University ■Emily White, Registrar, Jacksonville State University
The Old Way at JSU Registrar ■Change majors at the time of the request ■Report Summer enrollment by separate terms. ■Summer Full Time Status was 3 hours per separate term. ■Reported to NSC by individual terms Financial Aid ■Combined all Summer terms into one aid period to award and disburse aid ■Report Summer enrollment hours by an aid period not by individual term ■Disbursement made by 12 hours full time for Pell and 6 hours ½ time for loan. ■Aid is not applied until the student qualifies for the attending hour requirement.
Meetings on Campus ■To make the appropriate changes necessary for compliance, all colleges had to be on board. ■Meetings with Provost, Deans, and University Council were required. ■Deans played an active role in the making the changes happen and informing their college of these changes.
Program Name Changes ■Program names contained “Pre” (Pre-Business, Pre-nursing, etc.). These programs were just placeholders until they completed the required core courses. The “Pre” helped faculty and advisors to readily identify these students. After discussion with the USDE, the federal financial aid representative emphasized that “Pre” could NOT show up on a transcript. A student can not receive a degree in a “Pre” major.
Changes made to Program Codes ■SMAPRLE ■SOACURR ■SGASTDN The codes did not change on most programs, just the description. Ex. Pre-Nursing is now Nursing_Undecided Pre-Business changed codes to Undecided_Management ■I.T. Department updated the codes on all “pre-business” students.
CIP Code ■CIP Codes were required to be 2010 approved NCES codes. ■Updates were completed in STVCIPC and STVMAJR. ■STVMAJR was also reviewed for financial aid eligibility. ■The Office of Planning and Research would provide a crosswalk from old codes to new codes.
Catalog Changes ■All “Pre” programs were updated to a new description. ■All “admission requirements for the major” were updated to assessment into upper division coursework. ■If a student was not eligible for upper division coursework, options were provided.
The New Way at JSU ■Summer became all one term with parts of term. Full-time is 12 hours for the whole term. Enrollment now matches Financial Aid reporting. ■No changes would be made to the learner record during the term. Departments would collect changes and submit them during finals week. The Registrar’s Office would update after grades roll.
Major Changes Revisited ■Due to implementation of online graduation application (Fall 2015), major changes rules had to be adjusted ■Multiple discussions with Financial Aid ■Came to an agreement that worked for both offices ■Major changes now made at any time for students applying to graduate so that online application is correct
150% reporting to NSC ■NSLDS Enrollment Reporting Webinars were offered through NASFAA and AACRAO. Both the Registrar’s Office and the Student Financial Services’ Office attended. ■Errors encountered were slowly fixed. ■Patches were downloaded and installed fairly frequently. –UNA tested patches and began reporting in new format early on –JSU waited until all patches were in place and postponed reporting in new format
150% reporting to NSC Challenges in Banner ■New SFACPLR Form –Goal was a minimal number of rules –More detailed rules needed for non-standard programs –Reality is 77 rules and still growing –Program Indicator setting was a big main problem. Not knowing how to process non-degree seeking students. –Making sure new programs have appropriate rules
150% reporting to NSC Challenges in Banner ■Changes to SFRNSLC –Struggle with past term parameter –New SFACPLT Form ■Remembering to add new terms ■STVNATN – ensure using appropriate codes per Clearinghouse documentation
Communication ■Communication is key to make sure all areas that will be affected by changes are notified. Having worked together on resolving the federal aid changes has made JSU and UNA better places. ■Networking with other universities can make these changes more manageable.