Scientific Process.  What is an INFERENCE? When you explain or interpret things by using past knowledge and observations.  Reasonable Inferences: Make.


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Presentation transcript:

Scientific Process

 What is an INFERENCE? When you explain or interpret things by using past knowledge and observations.  Reasonable Inferences: Make Sense based on the information you have available.  Unreasonable Inferences: May conclude too much from the information available.

What can you infer about this situation?

 What is a PREDICTION? Making a forecast of something that will happen in the future based on past experience or evidence. Predictions can vary from being general to very specific.

 You ask your friend to predict how he thinks they are going to play in the football game on Friday….. He responds: Prediction 1: I think we will do ok. Prediction 2: I think we will win the game. Prediction 3: We will beat them 27 to 6.

 We make predictions everyday…… What would you do if you faced this situation?

 Patterns, or trends, in data help you to make more specific and accurate predictions.  Tables and graphs are a good way to look at trends over a period of time and allow you to make a more accurate prediction as to what is to come.

 Predictions and inferences are closely related, and easily confused.  Inferences are attempts to explain what is happening or has happened. (Past or Present)  Predictions are forecasts of what will happen. (Future)

◦◦ Name ONE inference, and TWO predictions you could make based on this situation.