Word Splash regroup product factor
2 Digit X 2 Digit Multiplication
I Word Bank Key ConceptsIllustration
2 Digit X 2 Digit Multiplication 0bjective 4.4d The student is expected to: Use multiplication to solve problems no more than 2 digit x 2 digit
Word Bank Multiplication Facts factorproductregroup
Vocabulary factor – a number that is multiplied by another number to find a product product – the answer to a multiplication problem regroup – to rename a number (ex. 10 ones = 1 ten, 10 tens = 1 hundred)
Multiplication X ______________
Multiplication X ___________________
I 2 Digit X 2 Digit MultiplicationWord Bank Key ConceptsIllustration Create a 5 sentence story using 2 Word Bank words Illustrate your story using 3 or more colors & give it a backgroud