Treasure Trove Tribune Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Sharpening skills for success! Week 10 Multiplication Attached to this newsletter you should find the following items: 1.Weekly Progress Report 2.Your student’s graded work from the week *Please monitor your student’s homework folder so there is not an accumulation of assignments and/or notes to be discarded 3.ELA Home Connection Page, detach and use to study spelling words and reading concepts I have reviewed my child’s work, and progress report. ___________________________________________________ Parent Signature Student Self Assessment Write (Y) for yes, (A) for Almost and (N) for No ____1. I can use 2 strategies to solve multiplication problems. ____2. I understand how to find the main idea and supporting details of paragraphs. ____3. I can name 3 specific rocks from the 3 categories. ____5. I can name the parts of a soil profile Name______________#___ Students have spent two week learning multiple strategies to solve 1 digit by 4 digit multiplication and 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication. Some of these strategies included repeated addition, area model, distributive property, arrays and the traditional algorithm. Students have learned that mastering two strategies can ensure greater accuracy. Even though students were asked to use two strategies to check their test work, they simply refused. Here are our class results, please see your students performance on the detailed report. Even though we are only at 77% mastery as a class, we will move forward with division. Remedial students will need to master basic facts or master the skill of using a multiplication chart, and focus on mastery of one multiplication strategy.
Following, Red Butte Field Trip, students learned the parts of a friendly letter and then composed thank you letters to the Garden ! Great work students! Students learned about the 3 main environments in Utah. Can you name them?
ELA Parent Page to Help Prepare for Week 9 (Detach and Keep) Write a definition for each vocabulary word ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
Practice using your spelling words in a sentence. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________