Traditional Food For the Ibo(Igbo) and/or other African Tribes
What did the Ibo eat? gari (cassava powder) Fufu (African dumplings) Pumpkins Yams
Recipe of the tribe
Staples of the tribe
How was the food gathered? Farmed? Hunted?
How was the food cooked? By whom?
Work Cited "Igbo - Introduction, Location, Language, Folklore, Religion, Major Holidays, Rites of Passage, Relationships, Living Conditions." Countries and Their Cultures. Web. 23 Mar "Igbo Social Life & Customs -- Chiamaka: African Language & Cuture." Chiamaka: African Culture. Web. 23 Mar "Menu ~ Fufu (African Dumpling)." African Presentations / African Hut Restaurant. Web. 23 Mar Levy, Patricia. "Food." Nigeria. New York: Marshall Cavendish, Print.