CHAUCER (1343 – 1400) Worked as a government official “Father of English Poetry”
Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Twenty-nine “Pilgrims:” Traveling to the Thomas a Becket shrine in Canterbury wski/212/8/gothic/cant.JP G
Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales “Father of English Poetry” because… Framing Device Iambic Pentameter Rhyming Couplets
Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Chaucer uses: framed narrative with characterization Framed Narrative: a story that includes any number of different narratives. Characterization: process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character.
Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Are there any other stories you know that use this framing device? How is writing in a first-person perspective different than a third-person perspective? How does this change our understanding of the story?
Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Iambic Pentameter Ten syllables with an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable Rhythm closely matches the way English is spoken
Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Rhyming Couplets every two lines rhyme Shoot Root Pieces together lines Not end-stopped: When reading, continue because the sentence hasn’t ended