How do I create a timeline? Preparation! By Mrs. Kathy Fiol
What are the steps to creating a timeline? 1. Read the biography or autobiography. 2. Make a list of all the important dates and events. 3. Organize the events in sequential order. 4. Create the timeline.
Making the list…. Important events Important events Date it occurred Date it occurred What happened? What happened? Record all significant ones Record all significant ones Make sure to have: Make sure to have: When born and died When born and died What were they known for What were they known for Education, awards, etc. Education, awards, etc.
Organizing the events… List time frames in order List time frames in order Oldest date or time to newest Oldest date or time to newest If two events occurred in the same year, list them separately on the timeline If two events occurred in the same year, list them separately on the timeline If all of the events occurred in the same year, use months too. If all of the events occurred in the same year, use months too.
Creating the timeline Congratulations! You are now ready to go on to the next step…How to Create a Timeline: Creating! Open the next PowerPoint to see the next steps……..