Dwy Iaith, Dau Ddewis? Different Words, Different Worlds? Cysyniad dewis iaith ym maes iaith a gofal cymdeithasol The concept of language choice in social.


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Presentation transcript:

Dwy Iaith, Dau Ddewis? Different Words, Different Worlds? Cysyniad dewis iaith ym maes iaith a gofal cymdeithasol The concept of language choice in social work and social care

Dau ffocws A dual focus Sut mae unigolion dwyieithog yn defnyddio iaith? Beth yw’r prosesau sydd ar waith mewn cymdeithas ddwyieithog? The ways in which bilingual individuals use language The dynamic between the minority and majority language in a bilingual society

Y ffordd holistaidd o feddwl am ddwyieithrwydd The holistic view of bilingualism “Bilinguals usually acquire and use their languages for different purposes, in different domains of life, with different people. Different aspects of life normally require different languages.” [Grosjean, 2002]

Defnyddio dwy iaith Using two languages Modd Iaith Newid Côd Theori Addasu Language Mode Code Switching Accommodation Theory

Dwyieithrwydd, Emosiwn a Iechyd Meddwl Bilingualism, Emotion and Mental Health “… in cases of psychological assessment and diagnosis, a bilingual may appear to present him or herself in different ways depending on the language used.” [Altarriba & Morier, 2004]

Iaith a Phrofiad Language and Experience “… it appears that experiences are often coded in the language in which they occurred and that the appropriate language can be used as a retrieval cue when engaging in dialogue with a bilingual client.” [Altarriba & Morier, 2004]

Iaith a Chymdeithas Language and Society Diglosia Symudiad Iaith Cynllunio Iaith Diglossia Language Shift Language Planning

Iaith a Phŵer Language and Power “Language decline and language death always occur in bilingual and multilingual contexts in which a ‘majority’ language - that is, a language with greater political power, privilege and social prestige – comes to replace the range of functions of a ‘minority’ language. The inevitable result is that speakers of the minority language ‘shift’ over time to speaking the majority language.” [May, 2001]

Troi’r llif Reversing Language Shift Normaleiddio / Normalization … “A process during which a language gradually recovers the formal functions it lost and at the same time works its way into those social sectors, within its own territory, where it was not spoken before.” [May, 2001]

Dwyieithrwydd ac Ymarfer Bilingualism and Practice (14 – 21) A oes gan yr ymchwil arwyddocâd wrth weithio gyda defnyddwyr dwyieithog ym Nghymru? Beth yw’r pwyntiau sy’n codi? Sut mae symud ymlaen? Does the research have any significance in work with bilingual users in Wales? What are the issues which arise? How to move forward?