BIODIVERSITY Week 8 Notes Ch. 3, Section 3 Page 95 – 105
BIODIVERSITY __BIODIVERSITY__ is the number of different __SPECIES__ in an area. I. THE VALUE OF BIODIVERSITY 1. Biodiversity has both __ECONOMIC__ value and __ECOLOGICAL__ value within an __ECOSYSTEM__
A. ECONOMIC VALUE 1. Many __PLANTS__, __ANIMALS__, and other organisms are economically valuable for __HUMANS__ 2. These organisms provide __FOOD__ and supply __RAW MATERIALS__ for clothing, medicine, and other products. 3. __ECOSYSTEMS__ where organisms live are also __ECONOMICALLY__ valuable. 4. An example of this is __ECOSYSTEM TOURISM__ or ecotourism.
B. ECOLOGICAL VALUE 1. __ALL__ species in an ecosystem are connected to __EACH__ other. 2. A __KEYSTONE SPECIES__ is a species that influences the __SURVIVAL__ of many other species in an ecosystem.
II. FACTORS AFFECTING BIODIVERSITY 1. Factors that affect biodiversity in an ecosystem include __AREA__, __CLIMATE__, and __DIVERSITY of NICHES__
A. Area 1. A __LARGE__ area will contain more __SPECIES__ than a __SMALL__ area. B. Climate 1. The number of species __INCREASES__ from the poles to the __EQUATOR__ 2. The __TROPICAL__ rainforest of Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Central Africa are the __MOST__ diverse ecosystems in the world 3. Tropical Rain Forests have fairly __CONSISTANT__ temperatures and __LARGE__ amounts of rainfall throughout the year. 4. This creates a continuous __GROWING__ season, which means that __FOOD__ is __ALWAYS__ available for other organisms.
C. NICHE DIVERSITY 1. __CORAL__ reefs make up less than 1 percent of the oceans’ areas. 2. Coral Reefs are the __SECOND__ most diverse ecosystems in the world 3. A reef supports many different __NICHES__ for organisms that live __UNDER__, __ON__, and __AMOUNG__ the coral.
III. GENE POOL DIVERSITY 1. Organisms in a __HEALTHY__ population have a diversity of __TRAITS__ 2. Traits such as __COLOR__, __SIZE__, and __ABILITY__ to fight disease are determined by __GENES__ 3. Genes are the __STRUCTURES__ in an organism’s __CELLS__ that carry its __HEREDITARY__ information
GENE POOL DIVERSITY CONT. 4. Organisms receive a combination of genes from their __PARENTS__ 5. Differences in the same organisms __GENES__ is called a __GENE POOL__ 6. Species that __LACK__ a diverse gene pool are __LESS__ able to adapt to changed in the __ENVIRONMENT__
IV. EXTINCTION OF SPECIES 1. The __DISAPPEARANCE__ of all members of a __SPECIES__ from Earth is called __EXTINCTION__ 2. Extinction is a __NATURAL__ process 3. Species in __DANGER__ of becoming extinct in the near __FUTURE__ are called ENDANGERED__ species 4. Species that could become __ENDANGERED__ in the near future are called __THREATENED__ species.
V. CAUSES OF EXTINCTION 1. Natural events, such as a __EARTHQUAKE__ can damage an ecosystem, wiping out populations. 2. __HUMAN__ activities can also __THREATEN__ biodiversity 3. These activities include __HABITAT__ destruction, __POACHING__, __POLLUTION__, and the __INTRODUCTION__ of exotic species
A. Habitat Destruction 1. The __MAJOR__ cause of extinction is habitat __DESTRUCTION__, the __LOSS__ of a natural habitat. 2. __BREAKING__ large habitats into __SMALLER__, isolated pieces is called __HABITAT FRAGMENTATION__ B. Poaching 1. The __ILLEGAL__ killing or removal of __WILDLIFE__ from their habitats is called __POACHING__ 2. Many endangered animals are __HUNTED__ for their __SKIN__, fur, teeth, __HORNS__, or claws. 3. People illegally __REMOVE__ organisms from their habitats to __SELL__ them as __EXOTIC__ pets
C. Pollution 1. Substances that cause pollution are called __POLLUTANTS__ 2. Many reach __ANIMALS__ through the __WATER__ they drink or the __AIR__ they breathe. 3. Pollutants may also settle in the __SOIL__ 4. They could be __ABSORBED__ by plants and __BUILD UP__ in other organisms through the __FOOD CHAIN__ D. Exotic Species 1. Introducing a __EXOTIC__ species into an ecosystem can be very __DAMAGING__ 2. The exotic animal could have no __PREDATORS__ and wipe out another __ORGANISM__
VI. PROTECTING BIODIVERSITY 1. Three successful approaches to protecting __BIODIVERSITY__ are captive __BREEDING__, __LAWS__ and treaties, and habitat __PRESERVATION__ A. Captive Breeding 1. __CAPTIVE__ breeding is the __MATING__ of animals in zoos or wildlife preserves. 2. Scientists care for the __YOUNG__ and then __RELEASE__ them into the __WILD__ when they are grown
B. Laws and Treaties 1. __LAWS__ can help __PROTECT__ individual species 2. The __ENDANGERED__ Species Act in the United States prohibits __TRADE__ in products made from __THREATENED__ or __ENDANGERED__ species.
C. Habitat Preservation 1. The __MOST__ effective way to preserve biodiversity is to __PROTECT__ whole __ECOSYSTEMS__ 2. To be most effective, __RESERVES__ must have the characteristics of diverse ecosystems. 3. The reserves must contain a variety of __NICHES__ 4. Must keep the __AIR__, __LAND__, and __WATER__ clean, control __POACHING__, and __REMOVE__ exotic species.