History of Tenant Involvement 2006 – Tenant Participation Officer (TPO) appointed / Part-Time 2007 – Full-Time TPO appointed Development of Regional Forums and Focus Groups 2007 – TPO secured and managed Budget for Tenant Involvement 2009 – Tenant Representatives on Boards / General Needs Road shows / Tenant Information Sheet in Tenancy Sign-up Packs 2010 – Tenant Inspector Team formed May 2014 – OakleeTrinity formed
Existing Structures Oaklee Trinity 1 Central Forum 3 Regional Forums – Belfast; North West and South West and Southern Tenant Inspectors / Editorial Group Tenant Forum members on Sub-Boards AGM Resolution – 6 months extension
Tenant Forum Officers with Tenant Participation Officer
Support Staff Tenant Participation Officer Promote and sustain active tenant/resident participation. Encourage good practice, develop models of effective participation, provide support, advice and training to tenants’ groups. Admin Officer – Student Placement Reporting to TPO
Ongoing Initiatives Rolling programme Estate Walk-about – Tenant Inspectors Pilot – November 2014 Service Charges – Tenant Inspectors Reviewed 2 nd July 2014 Editorial Team First OHT Newsletter produced Voids review – Tenants Inspectors Inspections commenced June 2014
Tenant Inspectors
TP Strategy action timeline SCNI appointed on 17 June 2014 Stage 1- Scoping Exercise, to include desktop review of documents- Questionnaire/Surveys to general needs tenants -Focus Group Meetings- All Regional and Central Forum Meetings Sheltered Focus Group meetings – 8 ( General Needs tenants invited to meetings) Staff Focus group meetings - 3
TP Strategy timeline Stage 2- Development of Draft Strategy- end of October Stage 3-Consultation with tenants and staff- mid November Stage 4- Completion of Strategy-End of November/start December Stage 5- Support to tenants and staff to commence delivery of strategy- December 2014
Initial Findings 1.We need a new TP strategy to reflect our new organisation 2.Not all tenants aware of TP structure – particularly General Needs Tenants – we need to improve communication 3.Current Structure works for Sheltered Tenants- we need to consider how to engage better with general needs tenants 4.Role of scheme co- ordinators very effective 5.Clear gap in the involvement of General Needs and ‘Hard to Reach’ Tenants 6.Forum members need clarity of roles and responsibilities- development of Training Needs Analysis 7.Need for training and enhanced information for staff and Tenant Forum members
Suggestions The development of a ‘menu’ of involvement choices for tenants Promotion of General Needs tenant involvement The appointment of a dedicated Tenant Participation Officer/Team The development of Terms of Reference for Forums including roles and responsibilities Highlight Best Practice within Sheltered Schemes
Suggestions Clear communication channels and an effective structure of decision making Strategic organisational approach to TP- not just housing Encourage TP when tenants are being signed up Use Sheltered Schemes as a ‘Hub’ for Tenant Involvement in that particular area
What now? Consultation with tenants and staff re draft strategy Finalised version approved by tenants; staff and Board Implementation of OakleeTrinity’s Tenants’ Participation strategy
Tenant Participation