D-5060 - Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1.


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Presentation transcript:

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Welcome to the… Rotary Leadership Institute Part 2: The Club Pacific Northwest Division District 5060

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Anybody new?? Your name Your Rotary Club Your vocation Your position in Rotary

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Strategic Planning & Analysis Rotary Leadership Institute

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Leadership/ Goals Goals of the Session Analyze your Rotary Club Review Possible areas of Improvement Discuss how specific improvements should be made Understand the process for Strategic Planning

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Analyze your Rotary Club Questionnaire Participant Manual Part 2 page 6

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Strategic Planning Where are we now? What do we know for sure? Where do we want to go? How do we get there from here?

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Club Vision Action without vision is wasted, and vision without action is just a dream. Action with vision brings hope to the world. RI Pres. Luis Vicente Giay

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. A Healthy Rotary Club (1) Proactive Club synergy Active participation by all members – making a difference Quality leadership – well run meetings Open/On-going communication Education focus

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. A Healthy Rotary Club (2) Membership growth and retention Regular attendance Fellowship (includes the family) Fun !!!!!! Recognition and appreciation of members Contribution to both local and international communities

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Evaluating Goals S pecific M easurable A ctionable R ealistic T imed

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Strategic Planning Do a Visioning session (District facilitators) Encourage Directors to develop goals, roll into Club Plan Present Club Plan to the members, discuss and get “Buy In” Directors report on their goals at Directors meetings and Club Assemblies Review the Club Plan at a club meeting twice per year

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RI Strategic Priorities and Goals

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Strategic Planning and Analysis Summary of Session Goals Analyze Your Rotary Club Review Possible Areas of Improvement Discuss How Specific Improvements Should be Made Understand the Process for Strategic Planning

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Attracting Members Session Goals Review the findings of the Siegel & Gale study Explore, is our club ready for new members Become familiar with the three steps to effectively attract new members

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Local Impact Friends and Contacts Vocation - Value Me & My Work Leaders to Work With What Our Customers Value

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. What do we need to do …. to get local business, professionals and civic leaders to think … “I need to join that Rotary club”!

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. The Questions Is our Club… Attractive…Relevant?

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Attractive & Relevant Indicators Club is active… Is “doing” things Get to meet & know local Leaders Good Website, Facebook Members feel involved Members and guests feel welcome Strong Camaraderie (and Fun) Respects Members’ Work And much more...

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. NO to any question? to any question? Survey Results

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Attraction How Do We Attract New Members ? Appeal to Them!

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Three Steps to Attraction The Ask / Answer

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Ask Exercise What’s Rotary?

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Initial Attraction – Key Words LocalFriendsLeaders This Community

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Initial Attraction – The “Answer” It’s a leadership organization… We’re made up of business, professional and civic leaders. We’re made up of local business, professional and civic leaders. We meet regularly, get to know each other, form friendships, & through that, we’re able We meet regularly, get to know each other, form friendships, & through that, we’re able to get things done in this community.

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Local Impact Friends and Contacts Vocation - Value Me & My Work Leaders to Work With What Our Customers Value

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. The Ask / Answer Website, Facebook+ Three Steps to Attraction

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Your Website Does your website reflect what you tell prospective new members?

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Lamorinda Sunrise Message change the world? million members 34,000 clubs globally clean water for drinking... human health combating hunger... eradicating polio explore this site to learn more about Rotary International

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. La Habra Message Work with parents to improve local schools Provide scholarships to needy students Offer ethical and leadership education Improve the lives of people who didn’t get your opportunity Get involved and have fun!

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. What Works Better? Rotary has 34,000 clubs in 200 countries and regions. Rotary is in Albania to Zimbabwe. Rotary is eradicating polio. Explore this site to learn more about Rotary International. We are local business, professional and civic leaders. We get to know one another. We get things done in this community. We are involved in the community and we have fun doing it.

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Build a Better Website Who are we? What do we do? What’s in it for You?

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. The Ask / Answer Website, Facebook+ The First Impression Three Steps to Attraction

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. The First Impression What creates an impression? _______________ _______________

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. How Do We Treat Our Guests? Is every guest special?

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Do We Rush the Question?

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Is Your Club Like Cheers? Sometimes you want to go, where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came!

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Local Impact Friends and Contacts Vocation - Value Me & My Work Leaders to Work With What Our Customers Value

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Attracting Members Session Goals Review the findings of the Siegel & Gale study Explore, is our club ready for new members Become familiar with the three steps to effectively attract new members

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Club Communication

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I.

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Goals of the Session Understand the elements and importance of effective communications Apply effective communications to Rotary leadership Communication Skills Communication Skills

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Fundamental Skills for Speech Organization Develop an outline Create a smooth transition from one point to the next Craft an effective speech opening Craft an effective speech conclusion Communication Skills Communication Skills

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Tips for Public Speaking (CC-2) Know your material Practice Get to know your audience Get to know the room Relax Visualize yourself giving your address Realize that people want you to succeed Don’t apologize Concentrate on the message; not the medium Gain experience Communication Skills Communication Skills

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Exercise (Oral): Refer to CC-1 “Introducing speaker”, discuss as a group Pair up, interview each other for 2 minutes each Introduce your partner as a guest speaker Communication Skills Communication Skills

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Exercise (Written): Read CC-3 “Literacy in Kansas City”, form groups (even number) One presenter each group report Communication Skills Communication Skills

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Club Communication Summary of Session Goals Understand the elements of effective communication Apply effective communications to Rotary leadership

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Team Building Rotary Leadership Institute

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Team Building G oals of the Session Explore How Committees and Team Building are used in Rotary Clubs Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Committees Examine Committees as a Tool of Leadership Examine your own Leadership style.

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 Why should we use team building and committees in a Rotary Club? Are there advantages or disadvantages to different Club “structures” (eg… see TB-1, pg 32)? What are some factors to help our Rotarian teams to be “Effective”? Roles… Chair? Club President? Secretary?

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. ROLES IN GROUPS Task-Oriented Roles “Management” - Ensure that the goals of the group are accomplished Maintenance Roles “Communication” - Roles or Actions that maintain good relations within the group Individual Roles “Execution” – Recognizing vocational expertise

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Team Building Summary of Session Goals Explore how Committees and Team Building are used in Rotary Clubs Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Committees Examine Committees as a Tool of Leadership Examine your own Leadership Style

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Targeted Service (Foundation II) Rotary Leadership Institute RLI Part II – Page 32

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Foundation II: Targeted Service Goals of the Session Review the Rotary Foundation Grant Model Discuss the importance of the grant model to your Clubs Discuss the importance of the Six Areas of Focus and Sustainability

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Rotary Foundation Mission To enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Foundation Grant Model Foundation Grant Model District Grants Global Grants How can each one effect your club? (Insert TS-1 page 35) What is a “Qualified Club”?

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. District Grant Guidelines July 1, 2015 District Grant Guidelines July 1, 2015 Full document available on the district website. Approved activity areas: International or local (in country) service projects Volunteer Service travel Disaster recovery Scholarships Vocational Training Team Projects that meet the goals of TRF

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. District Grant 2 Year Cycle

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. District Grant Evaluation Matrix Club contribution to APF per capita Team training Partner affiliation Timing of submission Nature of project Sustainability Measurability Club record Number of beneficiaries

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Global Grants Global Grants Minimum budget for a Global Grant project is US$30,000 Application and reporting is done online directly with TRF Must meet 1 of 6 Areas of Focus District 5060 support is available to assist with Global Grant applications

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Annual Fund Contributions are invested for 3 years and then SHARED 50/50 with the District Designated Fund and the World Fund. Investment earnings are used for operations/reserves. Endowment Fund Contributions are invested in perpetuity. Spendable earnings are allocated annually to support TRF programs and operations/reserves. PolioPlus Fund Contributions are used as needed. Foundation Funding

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Share Cycle

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. DDF Distribution

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 World Fund District Designated Fund SHARE Annual Fund Every Rotarian Every Year The Foundation Grant Model Investment Earnings Spendable Earnings Endowment Fund Tomorrow Operations & Reserves District Grants (max 50% of DDF) Global Grants PolioPlus Rotary Peace Centres Transfer to another district 50% PolioPlus Global Grants Humanitarian projects Scholarships Vocational Training Teams Rotary Peace Centres 50% 5% of all Contributions Earmarked Spendable Earnings to Programs

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. 4) What are the Areas of Focus? Why are they important?

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Six Areas of Focus Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Disease Prevention and Treatment Water and Sanitation Maternal and Child Health Basic Education and Literacy Economic and Community Development

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. 5) What is the value of sustainability?

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. 6) Why are Strategic Partnerships with other organizations significant?

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Foundation Areas of Focus Global Grants Strategic Partnerships Districts/Clubs Financial and/or Human Resources Strategic Partners Financial Resources Technical Expertise Advocacy Community

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Breakout Exercise Review case studies on TS-5 Use inserts.. TS-4: Grant model flowchart TS-2: Share flowchart TS-3: Sustainability? TS-6: Areas of focus One presenter per group

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. TRF Summary Statistics

RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. Targeted Service (Foundation II) Summary of Session Goals Review the Rotary Foundation Grant Model Discuss the importance of the Grant Model to your Rotary Club Discuss the importance of the Six Areas of Focus and Sustainability

D Pacific Northwest Division of R.L.I. RLI – Part 2 – 2016 Rev 1.1 What’s Next??