Introduction This research project will identify web 2.0 technology and provide data to assist in determining if the university library staff should adopt this technology for the purpose of interactive instruction for University of Minnesota students.
Introduction Through the use of survey results data will be gleaned to show if library skills improved due to librarian instruction utilizing web 2.0 technologies.
Introduction This study will help solidify our hypothesis that university students educational goals will be supported through the use of web 2.0 technology.
Introduction Many peer reviewed journal articles on the topic were consulted with regards to the subject matter for this research project. Several of these articles were selected for inclusion in a separate component of this assignment. Three journal articles were selected for inclusion in this presentation and are presented here.
Introduction Web 2.0 Integration in Information Literacy Instruction: An Overview by Lili Luo ”One of the enablers for pedagogy evolution is new technologies.” “Numerous studies have attested to augmented teaching effectiveness resulting from the integration of computer and Internet facilities in ILI.” The author uses ILI which is an acronym for Information Literacy Instruction.” This article covered the subject matter in a pragmatic way. Using examples and presenting new ideas on the topic. The Journal of Academic Librarianship Volume 36, Number 1, pages 32-40
Introduction Bringing the Library to the Students: Using Technology to Deliver Instruction and Resources for Research By Judith Arnold, Jennifer Sias, Jingping Zhang “ Providing instruction sessions to off-campus students frequently means grappling with a vast range of teaching environments-from the state-of-the-art computer classroom to a room in a modular building” “A great deal of planning, imagination, and flexibility are required” “Benefits to “canned” instruction as they describe their instructional solution to simulate live searching” Journal of Library Administration, Volume 37, Number s 1-2, pages 27-37
Introduction Using an Interactive Online Tutorial to Expand Library Instruction By Katherine Stiwinter “ Librarians often find themselves caught in a tug-of-war between the mandate to teach basic research and information literacy skills to students and the realities of fixed staff, limited resources, and reluctant faculty who do not want to give up class time to come to the library.” “Online tutorials are a well-documented way to meet the needs of both librarians and students.” Internet Reference Services Quarterly Volume 18, Number 1, pages 15-41
Evaluation Topic The intended outcomes will allow library administration to have a better understanding of this trending method of combining technology and instruction. We anticipate that this research will provide an answer for this question: Would the time and money needed to invest in the introduction of library instruction through the use of Web 2.0 technology be worthwhile and would this addition advance the students at the University of Minnesota
Evaluation Questions What web 2.0 technology is being utilized in the library at the University of Minnesota? Have students library skills increased through the use of this technology? Are students at the University of Minnesota being supported through the use of this technology in the library?
Data Collection Methods Population – University students Data - Obtained through completed surveys from students attending the required freshmen library orientation class
Data Analysis Methods Surveys will be handed out at the end of each library instruction class and immediately collected. Survey results will be summarized by library staff that did not take part in teaching the class. The summarized numbers will be entered into an Excel spreadsheet that will enable staff to create charts to visually display the information.
Expected Outcomes The library staff anticipate the results to yield positive results in favor of integrating web 2.0 technology into the instructional offerings for students. The results of this study will potentially generate ideas of additional technology options to explore for library instruction and address specific areas where students see a need for further instruction.
Arnold, Judith, Jennifer Sias and Jingping Zhang “Bringing the Library to the Students: Using Technology to Deliver Instruction and Resources for Research.” Journal of Library Administration. 37:1-2, Baldwin, Virginia “Using New Technologies for Library Instruction in Science and Engineering: Web 2.0 Applications.” Science & Technology Libraries. 27:3, Click, Amanda and Joan Petit Social Networking and Web 2.0 in Information Literacy. The International Information & Library Review. 42, Stiwinter, Katherine “Using an Interactive Online Tutorial to Expand Library Instruction.” Internet Reference Services Quarterly. 18:1, Jacobs, Mark A “Speakeasy Studio and Café: Information literacy, Web-based library instruction, and technology.” Information Technology & Libraries 20:2, Kim, Yong-Mi and June Abbas “Adoption of Library 2.0 Functionalities by Academic Libraries and Users: A Knowledge Management Perspective.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 36:3, Luo, Lili. “Web 2.0 Integration in Information Literacy Instruction: An Overview.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 36:1, Magnuson, Marta L “Web 2.0 and Information Literacy Instruction: Aligning Technology with ACRL Standards.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 39, Eva, Nicole and Heather Nicholson “DO Get Technical! Using Technology in Library Instruction”. The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research. 6:2, 1-9. Fernandez-Villavicencio, Nieves Gonzalez “Helping students become literate in a digital, networking-based society: A literature review and discussion.” The International Information & Library Review. 42, Wong, Gabrielle, Diana Chan, and Sam Chu “Assessing the Enduring Impact of Library Instruction Program”. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 32:4, Woodward, Beth and Lisa Janicke Hinchlilffe “Technology and Innovation in Library Instruction Management.” Journal of Library Administration. 36:1-2, Xu, Chen, Fenfei Ouyang and Heting Chu “The Academic Library Meets Web 2.0: Applications and Implications.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 35:4,