JAN 03JAN 10JAN 17JAN 24JAN 31 Survey/Intro to Messiah in Prophecy / Messiah on the Throne; scope/seq. Outline of class, summative presentation; Reasons why knowledge of Messianic prophecy is useful: Relied on by Christ to reveal Himself Relied on by NT writers/church to evangelize. Evidentiary support to evangelize today largely neglected; sheds meaning on many NT passages II Tim 3:15 I Pet 1:12 II Pet 1:19-21 Lk 24:27, Acts 3:18,21 Prophecy used as proof or evidence in 1 st c. evangelism. Scripture to interpret Scripture; summary of firsts by prophet. Chronological treatment to show God’s deliberate plan & progressive development. Beg: The Seed of the Woman Gen 3:15 Seed of the Woman continued ‘seed’ is reserved throughout scripture for male; as collective noun may refer to single or cumulative descendants as a whole but it is male in contexts except from the beginning. ‘Seed of woman’ is woven into all messianic prophecies Gen 3:1 and 22:17-18 “seed”, used of: Individual Line of descendents Gal 3:16 Seed through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Abraham Isaac Jacob – Judah - Jesse Connecting old to new; Jn 1:45-51 Gen 3:1 + 28:14 Heb 3:1 Jn 10:1,7 Jn 14:6 Seed of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob continued if necessary; review / summary to date Beg: Judah, the tribe selected & identified. The Seed to be a Prophet Jn 5:45-47 Jn 7:16; 8:26-28 Jn 12:48-50 = Deut 18:18-19 Lk 24:44 Acts 3:22-23; 7:37 Peter and Stephen’s use of Deut 18:15-17 as two witnesses Non-Writing Prophets: Gen 49 Deut 18 I Sam 16 II Sam 7 House of David & David’s Messianic Psalms ( B.C.) House of God and the House of David Solomon’s psalm 72 Ethan’s psalm 89 Emphasis on Ps 2, 16, 22, 110 2: rejection 16: resurrection 22: suffering and crucifixion 110: king/priest II Sam 23:1-7 Messianic Psalms continued if necessary Non-Writing Prophets of the Divided Kingdom ( B.C.) ISRAEL: Warnings to turn/repent: Abijah Unnamed prophet Jehu Micaiah Elijah The Man of God Elisha Obed Messages to save the generation of their day. JUDAH: Shemaiah Azariah Hanani Jehu Jahaziel Eliezer Zechariah Complete Non-writing prophets by 31JAN 1 st & 2 nd Quarter Curriculum Laydown – Scope/Sequence – Adult Class
FEB 07FEB 14FEB 21FEB 28NOTES 9 th Century Prophets: Obadiah (845 B.C.): remnant shall escape to Zion. Joel (830 B.C.): Joel pointed to a time (during post-exilic restorative period 2:21-27) “all flesh” (God’s people from all ethnos/nations) would receive the blessings of the HS (Joel 2:21-27 => Acts 2:16,28). Immersion of HS signifying w/ a sign of God’s choice, designation, and blessing and approval - Acts 1:5; 2:1-4; 10:44; 11:5. All flesh regardless of age, gender – Acts 21:9; I Cor 11:5, and continues to this day though in more limited or ‘less directly observable’ manner. Joel pointed to the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the Old Law, and God’s judgment on Jewish order when he described clouds of smoke, darkening of the sun, moon as blood, etc. 8 th century Prophets - Israel Amos (755 B.C.) Hosea ( B.C.) 8 th century Prophets - Judah Isaiah ( B.C.) (3 classes through March 06) 8 th century Prophets - Judah Isaiah (continued) Isaiah may expand to Mar st & 2 nd Quarter Curriculum Laydown – Scope/Sequence – Adult Class
MAR 06MAR 13MAR 20MAR 27NOTES 8 th century Prophets - Judah Isaiah (continued) Micah ( B.C.) 7 th century Prophets Zephaniah ( B.C.) Habakkuk ( B.C.) Jeremiah ( B.C.) 7 th century Prophets (continued) Jeremiah (cont) End of N. Kingdom 6 th century Prophets Warning, Hope, Captivity Ezekiel ( B.C.) Daniel ( B.C.) On-going review and summary of previous material; reach backs will be frequent to maintain perspective and memory. 1 st & 2 nd Quarter Curriculum Laydown – Scope/Sequence – Adult Class
APR 03APR 10APR 17APR 24NOTES 6 th century Prophets Warning and Hope: Captivity Ezekiel ( B.C.) Daniel ( B.C.) 6 th century Prophets Daniel ( B.C.) 6 th century Prophets: Daniel (continued if necessary) Late 6 th to 5 th century Prophets Haggai ( B.C.) Zechariah (518 B.C.) Malachi ( B.C.) 1 st & 2 nd Quarter Curriculum Laydown – Scope/Sequence – Adult Class
MAY 01MAY 08MAY 15MAY 22MAY 29 Brief Inter-testament historical summary Summary of what God through His prophets had revealed of the Messiah. Names Qualities Purpose/mission Place Time Messianic kingdom / age End of Jewish Dispensation and Old Covenant John the Baptist & prophecy (Malachi) Messiah in the Flesh “Lo, I am come” Fullness of time. Entrance into the world New covenant testimony to His Messianic Godhood The conflict: Christ the Son vs. Satan the Serpent Messiah in the Flesh (continued) Entrance into the world New covenant testimony to His Messianic Godhood Gospel record Letters The conflict: Christ the Son vs. Satan the Serpent Prophecy The conflict Crucifixion Resurrection Revelation in general review Messiah in the Flesh (continued) The conflict: Christ the Son vs. Satan the Serpent Prophecy The conflict Crucifixion Resurrection Revelation in general review Summary of prophecy regarding conflict Begin Messiah on His Throne Messianic Rule: Messiah as King on His throne Messiah as High Priest on His throne Shepherd of God’s flock Head of the body/church Lamb Judge of all Incorp. Revelation Messiah on His Throne (fulfillment of prophecy) Messianic Rule: Messiah as King on His throne Messiah as High Priest on His throne Shepherd of God’s flock Head of the body/church Lamb Judge of all Incorp. Revelation 1 st & 2 nd Quarter Curriculum Laydown – Scope/Sequence – Adult Class
JUN 05JUN 12JUN 19JUN 26NOTES Messiah on His Throne (fulfillment of prophecy) Messianic Rule: Messiah as King on His throne Messiah as High Priest on His throne Shepherd of God’s flock Head of the body/church Lamb Judge of all Incorp. Revelation Messiah on His Throne (fulfillment of prophecy) Messianic Rule: Messiah as King on His throne Messiah as High Priest on His throne Shepherd of God’s flock Head of the body/church Lamb Judge of all Incorp. Revelation Jesus as Prophet Matt 24 Prophecies of Jesus in Matt 24, in sequential order as they were fulfilled, in chronological and sequential order to the destruction of Jerusalem 70 A.D. Ref. Daniel Summary of Messiah in Prophecy to Messiah on His Throne How to use historical knowledge and OT prophecy to evangelize. Reserved for expanding to the right. Estimate 4 Sundays to be impacted by material, discussion, review, misc. events/weather, etc. 1 st & 2 nd Quarter Curriculum Laydown – Scope/Sequence – Auditorium Class