Implementation progress – second stage Olaf Islei European Strategy and Environment
2 Project background Gas FlowsTransmission Capacity (F1)Daily flow and interruptions (C1)Max technical capacity (F2) Daily prompt allocations (C2)Interruption probability (F3) Daily aggregate day- ahead nominations (C3) Daily commercial firm and interruptible capacity (F4)Historic gas flows TSO agreement to release new data during 2008 Focus on a priority subset of information Three stages of implementation Transparency key for market developments
3 Export/Import Points
4 Overall Progress 16 TSOs x 7 Data Types = 112
5 Overview: Status October 08 E.ON GT Flux ys Sven. Kraft. RWE TNG Nat. Grid Interco nnector Gasli nk WIN GAS Ontras GRT gaz Ener ginet Gasu nie DEP Swed egas GdF DT GTSBBL (C1) Max technical capacity in place N/A in place final in place (C2) Interruptionin place 2009 ? N/A in place 2010 ? in place 3 - rule in place final in place final (C3) Daily commercial firm and interruptible capacity in place N/A in place final in place final (F1) Daily flow / aggregated Allocation in place 2009 ? N/A in place final3 - rule in place final in place final in place final (F2) Daily prompt allocation information in place N/A in place (F3) Daily aggregate day- ahead nominations in place 2009 ? Final in place finalin place final3- rule 2009 ? final N/A 2009 ? in place 2009 ? (F4) Historic gas flow information database in place N/A in place 3 - rule in place final in place final Number of IPs minus rule IPs Later PublicationExisting October 2008In place December 2008FinalThree minus or not required Overall Implementation Progress
6 December 2008 – Final Stage
7 Late implementation ?
8 Next Steps Phase I –Publish final implementation report (February 2009) –Stakeholder workshop end of February 2009 Phase II (still to be agreed – indicative) –Workstream on harmonisation of data definitions and format –Workstream on incremental data release at import/export points –Discussion at workshop in February 2009 –Target = agreement by April 2009