Migrating Data to SQL Azure Arunraj Chandrasekaran Twitter June 21, 2011
Introduction What data can be moved to SQL Azure ? Preparation for Migration Migration Tools SQL Server / Azure Migration Assistants Access MySQL SQL Azure Migration Wizard DAC Database Import / Export SQL Azure Sync Service SQL Azure Database Copy SSMS Generate Scripts, BCP, SSIS Agenda
SQL Azure Database Highly available, and scalable cloud database service built on SQL Server technologies SQL Azure Data Sync Service Cloud-based data synchronization service built on Microsoft Sync Framework technologies. It provides bi- directional data synchronization and data management capabilities allowing data to be easily shared between multiple SQL Azure databases and between on-premises and SQL Azure databases Introduction
What data can be moved to SQL Azure ? SQL Server SQL Azure SQL Server SQL Azure
Clustered Index required for All Tables Connection Handling Database Size and Scaling Features not supported Encryption SQL CLR Cross Database Queries SQL Server Agent Database Mail Full Text Service Broker Preparation for Migration
ToolSchemaDataComments SQL Server Migration AssistantYes Supported by Microsoft, Free SQL Azure Migration WizardYes Not supported, Free, Open Source DAC v 1.0 (SQL Server 2008 R2)YesNoFull SQL Azure support DAC v 2.0 (SQL Server “Denali”)Yes Good, Still in Beta will be released along with Denali SQL Azure Data Sync ServiceYes Bi Directional, Support for migrating changes, multiple members SQL Azure Database CopyYes Only within SQL Azure SSMS Generate Scripts optionYesNo BCPNoYes SSIS / Import Export WizardNoYes Migration Tools
Free Tool available with Support from Microsoft Supports Migration to SQL Server and Azure Access ( ) MySQL ( ) Sybase ( ) Oracle (Currently Supports SQL Server, SQL Azure support will be released in future) ( ) Migrates Schema and Data SQL Server Migration Assistant DEMO
Free Available on Support SQL Server 2005 / 2008 / 2008 R2 migration Supports Schema Analysis and fixing of basic issues SQL Azure Migration Wizard DEMO
DAC Framework V 2.0 available in as CLI Support for Schema and Data Support Export data from SQL Azure and Import to SQL Server and vice versa For more information about API, Please read us/library/ff381683(SQL.100).aspx us/library/ff381683(SQL.100).aspx DAC Import / Export v 2.0
Export Schema and Data DacImportExportCli.exe -s serverName.database.windows.net -d databaseName -f C:\filePath\exportFileName.bacpac -x -u userName -p password Import Schema and Data DacImportExportCli.exe -s serverName.database.windows.net -d databaseName -f C:\filePath\exportFileName.bacpac -i –edition business –size 30 -u userName -p password Drop Database and DACPAC DacImportExportCli.exe -s serverName.database.windows.net -drop databaseName -u userName -p password DAC Import / Export v 2.0 DEMO
Built on Sync Framework No Code Easy to configure Support Bi-Directional and Unidirectional Sync Conflict Handling Logging and Monitoring Change Tracking SQL Azure Data Sync Service DEMO
Supports Sync of selected Tables Batch Transfers Snapshot Isolation enabled for SQL Server databases Currently in CTP2 ( ) No Support for Views Future Support Row Filter Option to define Conflict resolution policy SQL Azure Data Sync Service DEMO
Supports creating databases within SQL Azure server transiently Supports across SQL Azure servers as well Usage CREATE DATABASE destination_database_name AS COPY OF [source_server_name.] source_database_name SQL Azure Database Copy DEMO
Supports only Schema SSMS Generate Scripts DEMO
Supports exporting or import Text Files or CSV files No support for Schema BCP DEMO
Support Data migration No support for Schema SSIS / SQL Server Import Export Wizard DEMO
Free SQL Azure 30 Day Pass
SQL Azure MSDN - us/windowsazure/sqlazure/cc500985http://msdn.microsoft.com/en- us/windowsazure/sqlazure/cc SQL Azure Forums - US/ssdsgetstarted/threadshttp://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en- US/ssdsgetstarted/threads SQL Azure Team Blog - Free Training Videos / Demos - SQL Azure Labs - My Blog – References