UAB Tools 1 20/05/2014
Summary Status, opened issues & future requests : Extended Configurations Reverse Engineering Olproc FlexExtractor DIP Import/Export unImportValidation 20/05/2014 2
Extended Config. Wizard Version released on 13/12/2013 Wizard-based implementation including the following Ext. Configs.: DIP Publications CMW Publications Recipes 20/05/2014 3
Extended Config. Wizard Opened issues for CMW / DIP Publications (Wizard) TODO: Filter opened issues (currently assigned to Jacques) UAB-791 CMW Configuration & Spec Viewer: select a row on right click UAB-791 UAB-792 CMW Configuration: support copy/paste on cell level UAB-792 UAB-815 DPE Selector: use better separator UAB-815 UAB-826 Default values for DIP and CMW UAB-826 UAB-836 Comments on Ext Config Wizard rc-01 DIP component after testing 17 nov 2013 UAB-836 UAB-840 ExtConfigWizard: Ctrl-F should be 'Find' not 'Add Free Data‘ UAB-840 UAB-847 New Keyboard shortcuts ExtConfigWizard UAB-847 UAB-848 Improve Find pop-up in spec viewer to allow user to type a regex to match aliases UAB-848 Improvements UAB-845 CMW/DIP : class selection differ from RECIPE one (selection, visualisation) UAB /05/2014 4
Extended Config. Wizard Opened issues for Recipes (Wizard) TODO: Filter opened issues (currently assigned to Jacques): UAB-715 OLPROC: show recipes: option to add recipe name(s) to a column in the spec UAB-715 UAB-782 When you add AnalogAlarm, if HH/H/L/LL is linked to an APAR, you should not add HH/H/L/LL to the recipe, but instead add linked APAR if possible UAB-782 Improvements UAB-558 Recommendation, advice on recipe extended tool UAB-558 After modifying the specs, check the devices added to a recipe class [UAB-771] Allow to import recipe classes from pvss export file [UAB-771] 20/05/2014 5
Extended Config. WinCC OA Opened issues for Recipes (WinCC OA) New Features Support for recipes in DB (load, save, combine, …) Bugs [IS-1304] Add new element to recipe, should take current value, not default to value=0 [IS-1304] [IS-1303] Modifying dynamic recipe: changing device name in recipe does not work if device no longer exists [IS-1303] [IS-1302] Recipe: import of recipe database crash due to _FwRecipeCache not cleared. [IS-1302] [IS-1359] Recipe instance privileges are not assigned correctly [IS-1359] [IS-1420] New elements added to a recipe class are not propagated to the recipe instances [IS-1420] Improvements [IS-1455] Deleting internal recipe DPEs when the recipe class/instance are deleted from the importation file [IS-1455] [IS-1456] Units for Controller MTi,MTd,MTds [IS-1456] [IS-1421] PVSS Recipe Class tool. Ergonomic improvement [IS-1421] [IS-1454] Improvements to manage recipes in WinCCOA [IS-1454] 20/05/2014 6
Extended Configurations New Extended Configurations? DIP Subscriptions LHC Logging LASER Alerts (CPC) Anomalies (CPC) Device Actions Access Control Navigation, Window & Trend Trees Simulation 20/05/2014 7
Reverse Engineering Version released on: 20/12/2013 Wizard-based implementation for: SCADA reverse engineering New Features Reverse engineering for PLC (Next slide) [UAB-771] Allow to import recipe classes from pvss export file [UAB-771] Improvements (SCADA) [UAB-905] Add log html file to allow user to save the differences [UAB-905] [UAB-906] Preserve styles/format in the original spec by 'updating' old spec rather than creating a new Merged spec [UAB-906] [UAB-907] Add a log sheet in the Spec file, per CPC5 re-engineering tool [UAB-907] 20/05/2014 8
Reverse Engineering 20/05/ Diff Merge XEFDB CSV export Build Spec Rules Build Spec Rules Rules & Options Diff Merge PLC Spec SCADA Spec Merged Spec New Spec Original Spec Original DB CSV Build Spec SCADA Spec Rules Missing feature
Olproc++ Version released on 16/12/2013 Improvements [UAB-910] OLPROC++ Refactoring [UAB-910] TODO: Review the list of opened issues 35 in total Some from January /05/
FlexExtractor Version 1.10 released on 04/07/2013 TODO: Review the list of opened issues 29 in total Some from November /05/
DIP Import/Export fwDIP 5.0.2a Release date:31/03/2014 Opened Issues ENS FW: DIP and fwDipImport (Type ‘single’ seems not accepted) ENS ENS DIP Import blocks HMI ENS ENS Importation of DIP publications/subscriptions takes more than one hour ENS /05/
unImportValidation Version released on 13/11/2013 No opened issues! 20/05/