SESSION ON LEARNING FROM OTHER NETWORKS Lisa von Trapp Global Network of Parliamentary Budget Offices Meeting Seminar on Independent Budget Analysis and Transparency 9 June 2014
Number of countries Growth of Independent Fiscal Institutions in the OECD area
OECD Network of Parliamentary Budget Officials and Independent Fiscal Institutions (PBO)
Debate substantive budgeting issues. Share practical experiences on working methods. Profile new institutions/ significant changes in the mandates of older institutions (case studies). Identify good practices/ standard setting (OECD Principles for Independent Fiscal Institutions). PBO Network (2)
Grouped under nine broad (interrelated) headings: 1.Local ownership (ex. taking into account local needs, capacity constraints, country’s legal framework, political system, and budgeting culture…) 2.Independence and non-partisanship (ex. appointment process…) 3.Mandate (ex. clear links to the budget process) 4.Resources (ex. commensurate with mandate) 5.Relationship with the legislature (ex. mechanisms to encourage appropriate accountability to the legislature) 6.Access to information (ex. guaranteed in legislation) 7.Transparency (ex. reports and analysis published and freely available, website) 8.Communications (ex. fostering informed constituencies that value fiscal transparency and responsibility 9.External evaluation (ex. review of selected pieces of work; annual evaluation of the quality of analysis; a permanent advisory panel or board; or peer review by an IFI in another country) OECD Principles for Independent Fiscal Institutions
1.Leveraging work on the Principles and associated case studies – developing a common evaluation framework for parliamentary budget offices and fiscal councils. 2.Leveraging knowledge generated. 3.Leveraging our community of practice – PBO web portal. 4.Building links to new networks – GNPBO, European IFIs. Looking ahead
For more information OECD Network of Parliamentary Budget Officials and Independent Fiscal Institutions Web page: OECD Council Recommendation on Principles for Independent Fiscal Institutions: Ref=C(2014)17 Ref=C(2014)17 Contact: Lisa von Trapp at