Traveling Across the United States Presented by Misty Calderon CTAP Group 123 Eureka Union School District
Introduction My name is Misty Calderon and I am currently teaching 6 th grade at Ridgeview School in Granite Bay, CA I have created a math lesson for the CTAP295 Course In this lesson, the students will use various websites to determine the best method of travel to the East Coast. Webpage:
Expectations Create a website Create links to other websites and text documents Create a Power Point presentation Use Excel to create a graph of my results Create a lesson that my students will enjoy
Outcomes Through this project, I learned how to create a website I learned how to create a Power Point presentation I learned how to create links on my website I learned how to use Excel to create a graph
Successes High Student Interest Useful for other teachers Increased my skills Learned new skills Incorporated CA math standards
Shortcomings Lack of time to work on webpage Scheduling computer time for all students to complete assignment Broken links Difficulty in uploading and downloading Students lacking basic computer skills
Student Data Overall, all students improved from the pre-test to the post- test. Only one student did not pass the post-test and project. This was due to illness and absence.
Summary of Data It should be noted that I teach a class of High Achievers, so I was anticipating higher scores. In the pre-test, 22 of my 28 students received a passing score In the post-test, 27 of the 28 students received a passing score The results were the same for the project with 27 students receiving a passing score. I was not surprised by these results. Most students showed improvement in their individual scores from the pre-test to the post-test. Those that did not improve, maintained the same score. No students received a lower score on the post-test.
Conclusion Although I faced many difficulties with this project, I feel that it could be very beneficial for educators. I enjoyed creating the webpage and finding appropriate links for my lesson. However, many computer errors slowed down the process. I would recommend this course for educators that have previous computer experience as it is definitely not a course for those with limited computer experience. I hope to use these skills again in the future.