Energy-minimizing Curve Design Gang Xu Zhejiang University Ouyang Building, 20-December-2006
2 ContentContent Application Background(5min) Traditional energy-minimizing curves(30min) Internal energy External energy Energy-minimizing curves in manifolds(15min) Energy-minimizing curve networks (15min) Our recent work(15min) Summary and outlook(5min)
4 Application Background(1) Energy minimizing is the favourite of nature!
5 Application Background(2) Fairing curves
6 Application Background(3) Computer vision and image processing geodesics and active contours
7 Application Background(4) Medicine (Path planning of surgical sutures)
8 Application Background (5) Robotic Snake robots Motion design
Traditional Energy-minimizing Curve Internal energy External energy
10 Internal energy of curves(1) Stretch energy —— length Strain (bend) energy —— spline and fairness
11 Internal energy of curves(2) Energy in tension Variation of curvature —— circle-like
12 Internal energy of curves(3) Jerk and load Energy of 3D curves
13 Interpolating curves with gradual changes in curvature(CAD,1987) H. Meier and H. Nowacki, Germany Interpolating Solve linear system
14 Method to approximate the space curve of least energy and prescribed length (CAD, 1987) M Kallay This paper presents a numerical method for computing the curves of least strain energy, given the positions and directions of the endpoints and the total length. Discrete method
15 Variational design of rational Bezier curves (CAGD, 1991) H Hagen and GP Bonneau Describe a calculus of variation approach to design the weights of a rational curve in a way as to achieve a smooth curve in the sense of an energy integral Method?
16 Minimum curvature variation curves (PhD, 1992) (1) HP. Moreton, CH. Sequin Method: numerical integration gradient descent
17 Minimum curvature variation curves (PhD, 1992) (2) Space curves
18 Variational subdivision curves (TOG, 1998) Leif Kobbelt Interpolating variational subdivision curves Approximation variational subdivision curves (Hofer and Pottmann, TVC, 2002)
19 Interpolating Method(1) Objective function (open)
20 Interpolating Method(2) Solve a linear system
21 Interpolating Method(3)
22 Approximating Method(1) Objective function
23 Approximating Method(2) Solve a linear system
24 Approximating Method(3)
25 Approximating Method(4)
26 SummarySummary Fair and smoothness Numerical method Not geometric method!
Traditional Energy-minimizing Curve Internal energy External energy
28 Interactive design of constrained variational curves (CAGD, 1995) W. Wesselink, RC. Veltkamp Motivation constrained condition energy function (global) Edit using control points Not flexible! Not variational design!
29 Solution Solution
30 ConstraintsConstraints Point interpolation Normal (tangent) interpolation
31 External energy operators(1) Director
32 External energy operators(2) Point attractor
33 External energy operators(3) Curve attractor
34 Combing the energy terms
35 Computation(1)Computation(1)
36 Computation(2)Computation(2)
37 Computation(3)Computation(3)
38 ExamplesExamples
39 LimitationLimitation
40 Modeling 3D curves of minimal energy( EG, 1995) Generalize 2D to 3D Differences(1)
41 Difference(2)Difference(2)
42 Difference(3) —— constraints Point-in-planePoint-in-plane Point-on-linePoint-on-line
43 Difference (4) Plane attractor
44 Difference (5) Director
45 Difference (6) Profiler
46 Difference (7) Point repellor
47 SummarySummary Unify of smoothness and interaction Generalization to surface is easy! Numerical method Not geometric method!
48 Energy minimizing splines in manifolds (Siggraph, 2004) Hofer, Pottmann, Wallner CharacterizationComputationApplication
49 Variational interpolation in curved geometries Find curve as solution of a variational problem Use energy functions from spline theory, but restrict curve to surface Any surface representation, dimension & co-dimens.
50 InputInput Points p 1,..., p N on d-dimensional surface S in R n, parameter values u 1,..., u N p1p1 pipi pNpN p2p2 S
51 Geodesics on surfaces Minimize L 2 norm of 1 st derivative on surface S: Shortest connecting curve c on surface traced with const. speed Pieces of c have 2 nd derivative vectors orthogonal to S S
52 Counterparts to cubic splines on surfaces Minimize L 2 norm of 2 nd derivative: Interpol. C 2 curve c on S 4 th derivative vectors of c are orthogonal to surface Existence [Bohl 1999, Wallner 2004] S
53 Counterparts to splines in tension on surfaces(1) Minimize: C 2 curve such that is orthogonal to surface S
54 Counterparts to splines in tension on surfaces(2)
55 Energy minimizing splines in manifolds CharacterizationComputationApplication
56 Computation (1) Non-linear problem Even for simple surfaces no explicit solution Numerical algorithm for various surface representations and dimensions
57 Computation (2) Discretize curve on S in R low to polygon P View P as a point X in high-dim space R high Constraint manifold in R high is set of X‘s for which vertices of P are contained in S P R low S R high X
58 Computation (3) Quadratic functional Discretization Quadratic function P... Minimizer of F in R high P*... Minimizer of F on Matrix Q of F determines a Euclidean metric R high P P*P*
59 Computation (4) Solution P* of our problem is normal footpoint of P on in the metric given by Q Iterative algorithm with geometrically motivated stepsize control P R high P*P* X0X0
60 Computation (5) Iterative algorithm with geometrically motivated stepsize control Algorithm needs: –initial value x 0 –tangent space –Projection onto surface
61 Spline curves on various surface representations parametric implicit triangle mesh point cloud
62 Energy minimizing splines in manifolds CharacterizationComputationApplication
63 Cyclic motion minimizing cubic spline energy E 2
64 Cyclic motion minimizing tension spline energy E t
65 Cyclic motion minimizing kinetic energy E 1
66 Splines avoiding obstacles in 3D / on bounded surfaces
67 Variational motion design in the presence of obstacles
68 Energy minimizing curve networks Mininum variation networks Mininum variation networks Fair webs on surface Fair webs on surface
69 Minimal variational networks (Siggraph, 1992) Moreton, Sequin Problem Method: constraints and energy minimizing
70 MotivationMotivation obtain high quality surface
71 ExamplesExamples
72 Energy minimizing curve networks Mininum variation networks Mininum variation networks Fair webs on surface Fair webs on surface
73 Fair Webs (TVC, 2007) Wallner, Pottmann, Hofer Contribution: a variational approach to the design of energy minimizing curve networks that are constrained to lie in a given surface or to avoid a given obstacle
74 InputInput Connectivity
75 EnergyEnergy
76 PropertiesProperties
77 Fair polygon networks
78 Application (1) Aesthetic remeshing
79 Application (2) Fair parameterization
80 Application (3) Surface restoration and approximation
81 Application (4) Fair surface design in the presence of obstacles
82 Thanks! Congratulations on 7th Anniversary of Macao's Return!