Geology 1 st Quarter Learning Target Questions
DateNumberQuestion R – 8/26 W – 8/27 1.What is Geology? R – 8/28 W – 8/31 2.Why study Earth Science?
DateNumberQuestion R – 8/28 W – 8/31 2.Why study Earth Science? R – 9/1 W – 9/2 3.How did the Universe Form? R – 9/3 W – 9/4 4.What is the Big Bang Theory?
DateNumberQuestion R – 9/8 W – 9/9 5.Describe the layers of the Earth. R – 9/10 W – 9/11 6.Compare and contrast Earth’s inner and outer core.
DateNumberQuestion R – 9/14 W – 9/15 7.List and describe Earth’s major spheres. R – 9/16 W- 9/17 8.Explain the two sources of energy that power the systems of the earth. R – 9/18 W – 9/21 9.Explain how humans produces changes in the systems of the earth.
DateNumberQuestion R – 9/18 W – 9/21 9.Explain how humans produces changes in the systems of the earth. R- 9/22 W – 9/23 10.Describe some significant threats to the environment. R – 9/24 W- 9/25 11.What is Scientific Inquiry?
DateNumberQuestion R – 9/28 W – 9/29 12.What was the most interesting thing you learned during this chapter? Give a specific example. [Turn in LTQ’s 1-12 – start a new page] R – 9/30 W – 10/11. [Heading: C2 LTQ’s or 2 nd Qtr LTQ’s] Describe the parts of an atom. R – 10/2 W – 10/5 2.Explain why the valence electrons are so important.
DateNumberQuestion R – 10/2 W – 10/5 2.Explain why the valence electrons are so important. R – 10/6 W – 10/7 3.What is a mineral. Give an example. R – 10/8 W – 10/9 4.List and explain the characteristics of a mineral?
DateNumberQuestion 10/12No school R – 10/13 W – 10/14 5.What processes result in the formation of minerals? R – 10/15 W – 10/16 6.How can minerals be classified?
DateNumberQuestion R – 10/19 W – 10/20 7.Describe the six common mineral groups. R – 10/21 W - 10/22 8.What properties can be used to identify minerals? R – 10/23 W – 10/26 9.What is the Mohs scale?
DateNumberQuestion R – 10/23 W – 10/26 9.What is the Mohs scale? R – 10/27 W – 10/28 10.Describe the six basic crystal shapes. R – 10/29 W – 10/3011.What factors effect crystal growth?
DateNumberQuestion R – 11/2 W -11/3 12.Explain the method used to find the density of an irregular shaped item. R- 11/4 W-11/5 13.Which of the lab tests used to help identify a mineral did you find the easiest and which did you find to be the hardest? Why? R-11/6 W-11/8 14.What is a rock?
DateNumberQuestion R- 11/6 W-11/9 14.What is a rock? R - 11/10 W -11/12 15.How do igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks differ? R – 11/13 W -11/16 16.Draw, label and explain the rock cycle. Explain what powers the rock cycle as well.
DateNumberQuestion R – 11/17 W – 11/18 17.How are sedimentary rocks classified? R – 11/19 W – 11/20 18.How are metamorphic rocks classified?
DateNumberQuestion R – 11/23 W-11/24 19.What did you find the most interesting about studying minerals and rocks? Give specific examples.
DateNumberQuestion R – 11/30 W – 12/1 20.What is an earthquake? R – 12/2 W – 12/3 21.Explain the various types of damage done by earthquakes. Be specific. R – 12/4 W – 12/7 22.Explain several safety measures a person should follow during an earthquake. Be specific.
DateNumberQuestion R- 12/8 W – 12/9 1.Explain the factors in the design and building of structures can affect earthquake safety. R – 12/10 W – 12/11 2.What causes volcanoes? R – 12/14 W – 12/15 3. Describe the different types of volcanoes.
DateNumberQuestion W – 1/4 R - 1/5 4.What is geological history? W – 1/6 R – 1/7 5.Give at least three unique geological features about the Black Hills.