Kicking and Screaming By Courtney Wallace CSUS Fall 2015 Portions of these materials have been incorporated under the Fair Use Guidelines and are restricted from further use
Physical Education Standard grade Evaluate the effect of expressing encouragement to others while participating in a group physical activity Objective: Students will be able to list three or more important qualities of teamwork in the sport of soccer. They will understand the importance of teamwork and how it is a necessity in the game of soccer.
Teamwork Definition: The combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient. Example: When a group of people all have individual goals, but still utilize advice and learn from other people in the group to reach a combined goal. When Maria passed the soccer ball to George which allowed George to score the goal, this is an example of teamwork.
Time to Think! Think of a time where you were not able to finish a task or activity without help from friends, family, or any other person. Now pair-share with a partner about this instance, and list ideas of how this relates to teamwork.
Value of Teamwork
Quick Write In this video what did you see change when the other players started coming together? Write 3 to 4 sentences explaining why you think the players were more motivated once they began to work together. Write 2 to 3 sentences on how you could motivate your teammates to work hard and keep trying during physical activity time.
Let’s Get Moving Blob Tag In this game you will get to see and demonstrate the value of teamwork. All but 3 players will have a soccer ball at their feet. The players connect to form one team. The goal of this team is to get as many students joined to their team as possible. Objective: As the “blob” of 3 kick the soccer balls out of the other students legs. Once you kick the soccer ball out that person joins your “blob”. By the end of the 5 minute time period, using teamwork skills the goal is to have the whole class joined as one blob.
Reflection Think time: Think about the strategies you used while playing blog tag. What worked best and what worked least? Pair Share: Discuss with a partner what you think your best strategies were. Pair Share: With a different partner discuss how you came up with these strategies.
Teamwork Body Voting. If you agree that a statement I read aloud is considered teamwork move to the right corner of the room. If you disagree that the statement is not considered teamwork move to the left corner of the room.
References Blob tag. (n.d.). Retrieved September 19, Nike Soccer: American Woman | SOCCER.COM. (n.d.). Retrieved September 19, Teamwork soccer - Google Search. (n.d.). Retrieved September 19, 2015.