1 Lab. 12 Signal transmission with two boards The system: –Use DSP to conduct processing in this lab. DigitalAnalog a(n)a(n) DigitalAnalog DAC ADC PC DSP RF PC DSP
2 Tx/rx experiments: –Use DSP to generate a sinusoidal signal, and conduct up- conversion. Transmit the signal to the receiver in another board. –Use cable for connection. –DAC/ADC rate: 1Mps –Carrier: 2.31GHz DSP EMIF Analog Digital DAC FPGA RF FPGA RF DSP ADC
3 Practice 1: –Use DSP to generate a sinusoidal signal and transmit it through the RF module. –Use another board as the receiver and observe the received time-domain signal. –Observe its spectrum. Why do you have two sinusoidal in the received signal?
4 Practice 2: –Repeat the experiment in Practice 1. –Figure out a way in the received to recover the transmit signal.
5 Digital modulation system: Digital Analog a(n)a(n) Filter Digital Digital filter (SRRC) Digital Analog Filter Digital Digital filter (SRRC) DAC /RF ADC /RF PC DSP Map Dem. Implemented with DSP PC DSP
6 Tx experiments: –Use DSP to generate a bit sequence, and conduct modulation and pulse shaping. –Transmit the signal to the receiver in another board. –DAC/ADC rate: 1Mps –Carrier: 2.31GHz DSP EMIF Analog Digital DAC FPGA RF FPGA RF DSP ADC
7 Practice 3: –Use DSP to generate a bit sequence, conduct QPSK mapping, and the pulse shaping. –Then, transmit the signal to another board with a cable. –Record the received signal and transmit it to PC and observe the signal constellation.