The Health Roundtable Presenter(s): (delegate name(s)) Hospital Code Name: Poster Session HRT11420 –Innovation Awards November 2014 Melbourne your presentation to:
The Health Roundtable Elevator Pitch- What is the outcome/significance of your presentation? (This will be used in the program to describe your innovation) Example “ 35% reduction in beddays by Very High Intensity Users at Middlemore” “30 inpatient beds were targeted to shift to HITH as a bed substitution opportunity”. Royal Brisbane Same day and multiday admits are up over 50%” “Connecting Care enrolments for Chronic Patients were under target by 40%. System wide redesign has raised enrolments by ~ 100% at Southern If you want some help please call Kate Tynan
The Health Roundtable Presenters Summary – ONE Slide Each presenter will have 3 minutes to give an overview of your innovation. Use this format as an aide memoire – We will display this slide for the duration of your 3 minutes. Please be as concise as possible Key problem Aim of Innovation What we did Focus on the outcomes
The Health Roundtable KEY PROBLEM - One Slide Brief summary of the key issue in one slide. What was the situation before you implemented this process/innovation?
The Health Roundtable AIM OF THIS INNOVATION – One Slide Improvement Sought
The Health Roundtable BASELINE DATA - Describe the issue or preferably show baseline measures eg rate of this problem over time prior to the innovation
The Health Roundtable KEY CHANGES IMPLEMENTED Please focus on changes that were actually implemented that have contributed to the project’s success (1-2 slides)
The Health Roundtable OUTCOMES SO FAR Focus is on real results, not anticipated improvements Provide numerical evidence that changes have made an improvement e.g. a before and after chart, spc chart (1 slide)
The Health Roundtable LESSONS LEARNT – One Slide What would you recommend to other organisations?
The Health Roundtable Who can provide information on this innovation from your service ? To help share good ideas, please list details for 2 people who could be contacted about this innovation