Practice Governance two years on… Practice Learning Network North 3 rd March 2009
A brief recap… Changing Lives published Feb 2006 Practice Governance Group formed Nov 06 Practice Learning Network North March 07 Scottish Elections May 07 Definitive list of products Autumn 07
Four key products Citizen Leadership principles Guidance on the role of the CSWO Contribution of social work Practice governance framework
Citizen Leadership “ happens when citizens have power, influence and responsibility to make decisions” What is citizen leadership? Eight key principles Principles and Standards published by Scottish Govt May 09 Two pilot areas undertook training in summer North Ayrshire and Scottish Borders
Citizen Leadership A joint event was held in Dalkeith in October 08 Users, carers and staff - they said: “I liked talking about me” “I enjoyed hearing others tell their stories” “I liked all of it - it was alright” It is down to you to make it happen Citizen leadership can inform your practice
Guidance on the role of the CSWO Developed over the past two years Pursuant to Sct 5(1) Social Work(Scotland) Act 1968 Sets out the competencies, scope and responsibilities Describes accountabilities and reporting arrangement Is already having an impact in Scotland SWIA routinely make evaluative comments in reports some councils have strengthened their arrangements several now receiving annual reports from CSWO
Guidance on the role of the CSWO Has been the subject of extensive consultation 45 responses - 30/32 local authorities responded Has received broad endorsement across Scotland Has been amended and strengthened in response Was submitted to the Minister in February anticipated to go live by April
Contribution of social work (The Contribution of the Social work Profession to Delivering Better Outcomes for Scotland) The purpose of the guidance is to: –highlight the contribution of social work to delivering better outcomes for Scotland and –set out those social work functions which only registered social workers should be accountable for
Contribution of social work (The Contribution of the Social work Profession to Delivering Better Outcomes for Scotland) Social work contribution: –Sets out functions –Range of settings and providers –Promotes the development of personalised solutions –Citizen leadership
Contribution of social work (The Contribution of the Social work Profession to Delivering Better Outcomes for Scotland) When investigating the need for care and protection of an adult or a child, a registered social worker must retain accountability for: –carrying out enquiries and making recommendations where person may require to be the subject of compulsory protection measures; –implementation of a risk management plan; –making recommendations to a children’s hearing or court about whether a child should be accommodated away from home; –making recommendations on behalf of the local authority to a children’s hearing or court about permanence or the termination/variation of supervision requirements
Contribution of social work (The Contribution of the Social work Profession to Delivering Better Outcomes for Scotland) Within criminal justice, a registered social worker must retain accountability for: –provision of social enquiry and other reports to courts which could have an impact on an individual’s liberty; –provision of reports to the Parole Board and to the Parole and Life Sentence Review division of government which could impact on public safety and/or on an individual’s liberty; –investigation, assessment, review and implementation of risk management plans and the supervision of those who will be subject to statutory supervision on release from prison; –case management (including monitoring and ensuring ongoing assessment) of those who are subject to statutory orders/licences and who are considered to pose a high risk of serious harm.
Contribution of social work (The Contribution of the Social work Profession to Delivering Better Outcomes for Scotland) Within mental health and AWI, only registered social workers may: –carry out the duties of a Mental Health Officer as set out in the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 and the Adults with Incapacity Act 2000; –carry out the duty to enquire into individual cases where adults with mental disorder may be at risk from others or whose property is at risk or who are putting themselves at risk.
Contribution of social work (The Contribution of the Social work Profession to Delivering Better Outcomes for Scotland) Professional leadership: –Only a registered social worker may carry out the role of: Chief Social Work Officer; Chief Inspector of Social Work.
Practice governance framework Changing Lives Recommendation 6: Social work services must develop a new organisational approach to managing risk, which ensures the delivery of safe, effective and innovative practice. This requires: a new approach to social work governance
Practice governance framework Accountability Communication Decision-making Autonomy (use of professional skills & knowledge) Governance in joint integrated teams
Work through ADSW Strong leadership shown by President Appointment of officers to take the work forward into practice Series of conferences sponsored to raise the debate: –Risk –Personalisation etc
Local Practitioner Fora Only half of Scottish local authorities have an LPF These groups have a key role Look to you all to invigorate LPF in your area –Support it –Contribute topics for discussion –Consult them on policy
So …What did the Roman’s do for us?