US IOOS ® Data Management and Communications (DMAC) Update Dave Easter GCOOS Board of Directors Meeting September 27, 2012
DMAC Activities SOS Reference Implementation IOOS Catalog V3 QARTOD Animal Telemetry Network Biological Project – Gulf of Mexico Annual U.S. IOOS DMAC Meeting 3
4 Helping people find and use data 4 Discover Data/Service Register Data/Service Data/Service Registry Use Data/Service Data/Service e.g. Regional Association Data/Service Consumer
Helping people find and use data 5 Use Data/Service Discover Data/Service Register Data/Service Data/Service Registry Data/ServiceData/Service Consumer
SOS Reference Implementation With common data access services we can begin to share applications and products. Recent and near term efforts will lower the barrier of entry for every region deploying SOS services All RAs committed to using one of two open source SOS implementations 6
IOOS Catalog V3 Quality Metadata is the key Registry and catalog tools enable discovery by users and form the foundation for other central services such monitoring and reporting functions 7
Building trust into the System—Reliable services delivering quality data 8 QARTOD
IOOS RA DMAC Workshop Representatives from all 11 Regional Associations and several federal programs Discussions included: –IOOS Catalog –Data access services –Regional data archiving –Vocabularies –IOOS certification –Roles and responsibilities 9