Modernism Modernism The generation of artists active before WWI created “The innovations of Picasso and Kandinsky in painting, and of Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinsky in music rank as major breakthroughs in cultural history Famous rebel artists from this period classified as masters of modern art Cultural Lag the period of time between innovations and popular acceptance
Beginning of Modernism Early 20 th century artists allied themselves with what they perceived to be basic trends and promises of contemporary life Embraced the swift pace of the present Attempted to make art that responded to it and enlarged its implications Some found it necessary to ridicule and destroy the concepts and practices of the past Wanted to invest their work with shocks and surprises
Shocks and Surprises Marcel Duchamp’s Nude Descending the Staircase No. 2 exhibited at the 1913 Armory Show in New York People outraged One critic compared it to an explosion in a shingle factory
Marcel Duchamp Nude Descending the Staircase No. 2
Shocks and Surprises Igor Stravinsky’s ballet Rite of SpringRite of Spring Critics called it ugly and perverse The tempo of change continued its acceleration to a point where the audiences had difficulty keeping pace with artists and scientists
Solid Accomplishments Pablo Picasso and Wassily Kandinksy painters Arnold Shoenberg and Igor Stravinsky Music
Modern Materials Ferronconcrete, structural steel, glass and laminated wood Bricks and mortar Welding Complicated metal alloys
Expressionism Looked inward to a world of emotional and psychological states rather than outward to a world of fleeting light and shadow Turned away from naturalistic representation Invested their forms with emotionally provocative colors and shapes
Edward Munch; The Scream
Van Gogh; Starry Night