Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers IUCRC Leveraging of Other NSF Support IUCRC Evaluator’s Meeting June 2012 Lindsey McGowen & Denis Gray North Carolina State University Larry Hornak National Science Foundation
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Background & Methods Background: NSF IUCRC program is looking for ways to increase collaboration with other divisions within NSF Needed evidence of existing collaboration & potential for growth Methods: Web survey – Q1. Did your IUCRC site receive research support from other Divisions and Programs during the past three years? Which Divisions? – Q2. Some IUCRCs have indicated that their current or past research efforts were built on or enabled by research results or infrastructure (including students) that were supported by other Divisions or Programs within NSF. Was this the case for your IUCRC site? Which Divisions? Response Rate – N = 87 Sites, representing 52 Centers responded – Site-level = 54% – Center-level = 92% June 2012IUCRC Evaluation Project2
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Q1a. Did your site receive research support from other NSF Divisions and Programs during the past 3 years? June 2012IUCRC Evaluation Project3
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Q1b. If yes, which Divisions and/or Programs provided that support (check all that apply)? 4 CISEENGODBIOEHRSBENSW Wide Less than 1/3 of Other NSF Support comes from outside CISE/ENG, but….
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Q2a. Are your research efforts built on or enabled by research results or infrastructure (including students) that were supported by other Divisions or Programs within NSF? June 2012IUCRC Evaluation Project5
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Q2b. If yes, which Divisions and/or Programs provided that support (check all that apply)? June 2012IUCRC Evaluation Project6 CISEENGODBIOEHRSBESMPSNSF Wide % of Other NSF Support LEVERAGING comes from Other Divisions!
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Receiving OR Leveraging Other NSF Support June 2012IUCRC Evaluation Project7
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Support OR Leveraging by Division June 2012IUCRC Evaluation Project8
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Q3. Please describe the funding linkage (e.g. how a NSF project complemented center research or led to some new research) and how it benefited your center or provided benefit for your members. ThemeNQuote Research Leveraging 28Emerging Frontiers award by Prof. Luke Lee help establish BioMEMS NSF projects that are reported to BSAC membership, leading to "best paper" award at September 2010 IAB. Personnel Leveraging 12OISE supported student development via a PIRE and faculty development via a workshop funding. Network Leveraging 10The initial industry workshop we held with biopharmaceutical industry managers was funded by a grant from CMMI. Equipment Leveraging 9The funding… is being used to build instruments for real-time monitoring of various dependability aspects of cloud computing systems. This is of great interest to several industrial partners… Technology Leveraging 8Eager funding allowed us to improve technology enough to attract interest of a member company, stimulate interaction and synergistic funding from COMPANT NAME. Infrastructure Leveraging 7Grants funded by OCI and CNS have provided computational resources that have been used in simulations, as well as providing a test bed for the deployment and testing of virtual networking software (IPOP) that is used as a basis for a CAC project. Leveraging Out12In 2011, I received my NSF CAREER from OCI; the project is leveraging the infrastructure built within the Center funded by the IUCRC program June 2012IUCRC Evaluation Project9
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers IUCRC Program Goals? Larry Hornak June 2012IUCRC Evaluation Project10
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers IUCRC Program Sustainability: Part 2 Lindsey McGowen PhD Dissertation Research June 2012IUCRC Evaluation Project11
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers What’s New? Changes in sustainability over time (MLM) – Adding another post-NSF funding time point to determine changes in the rate of sustainability over time – Adding multiple pre-graduation time points to look at the trajectory of success/failure Testing new IVs – Process/outcome predictors, industry specific environmental measures, leadership transitions Fidelity vs. Reinvention (Cluster Analysis) – Measuring transformation June 2012IUCRC Evaluation Project12
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Timeline Preliminary Exams: Done Dissertation Prospectus Reviewed: Done Literature Review Update: in progress Data Collection: in progress Dissertation Proposal: August 27, 2012 Data Analysis: September, 2012 Dissertation Defense: October, 2012 Graduation: December 15, 2012!!! June 2012IUCRC Evaluation Project13